Library /sys$common/syshlp/PCAC_HELP.HLB  —  pcacui  uidgen MnWind, uidgen MenuBar
  The PCA Collector menu bar contains the following

  o  File - for creating a data file into which to store
     performance or coverage data; to select an existing
     data file into which the collected information is
     to be be placed; to select a user-written sharable
     image on which to collect performance or coverage
     information; and to exit from the Collector.

  o  Options - for naming a specific collection run you
     are performing; to setting collection ranges for
     information; and for modifying the default sampling
     rate for for any of the sampling timers.

  o  Help - for providing topical access to online help.

1  –  File Cascade

  Use the File pull-down menu to:

  1. Create the data file in which the collected
     information is to be placed.

  2. Select an existing data file in which the collected
     information is to be placed.

  3. Select a user-written sharable image on which to
     collect performance or coverage information.

  4. Exit from the Collector.

1.1  –  Create dfile Btn

  Choose New Datafile... from the File pull-down menu to
  create a data file in which you want the performance
  or coverage information collected. You should create
  a new data file only for your first collection run on
  an application. If you have already done a collection
  run on a specific application, you should use Select
  Datafile... to append new collection information to an
  existing data file.

1.2  –  Select dfile Btn

  Choose Open Datafile... from the File pull-down menu to
  select an existing data file to which new performance
  or coverage information is to be appended. If you
  have already done a collection run on a specific
  application, you should use Open Datafile... to keep
  all your performance and coverage information on an
  application in one place.

1.3  –  Select Image Btn

  Choose Select Image... from the File pull-down menu to
  select a sharable image in which you want to collect
  performance or coverage information. Note that there
  are two kinds of sharable images: user-written, and
  provided. You can use PCA only with user-written
  sharable images.

1.4  –  Exit Btn

  Choose Exit from the File pull-down menu to terminate
  the current Collector session.

2  –  Customize Cascade

  The Options pull-down menu lets you control your run-
  time environment with the following menu items:

  o  Collection Name... - to specify a name for a
     particular collection run

  o  Counting Range... - to specify the parts of your
     application on which you want to collect execution
     count information

  o  Coverage Range... - to specify the parts of your
     on which application you want to get coverage

  o  Interval... - to modify the default value sampling
     rate for any of the sampling timers

2.1  –  Set Coll Name Btn

  Choose the Collection Name... menu item from the
  Options pull-down menu to associate a name and comment
  with a particular collection run.

2.2  –  Set Count Btn

  Choose the Counting Range... menu item from the
  Options pull-down menu to specify the parts of your
  application on which you want to obtain execution
  counts information.

2.3  –  Set Cover Btn

  Choose the Coverage Range... menu item from the
  Options pull-down menu to specify which parts of
  your application you want to obtain test coverage
  information on.

2.4  –  Set Int Btn

  Choose the Interval... menu item from the Options pull-
  down menu to modify the default value sampling rate for
  the elapsed time and process time sampling timers.

3  –  Help Cascade

  The Help menu contains the following entries:

  o  On Context - Converts the mouse pointer to a reverse
     question mark, allowing you to obtain help on any
     object you click on. When you click on an object,
     PCA displays the DECwindows Help Widget, containing
     help specific to the object you clicked on.

  o  On Help - Displays the DECwindows Help Widget,
     containing a list of topics you can obtain help

  o  On Window - Displays the DECwindows Help Widget,
     containing a list of topics you can obtain help on.

  o  On Version - Displays the DECwindows Help Widget,
     containing the version identifier of PCA software
     you are running and a copyright notice.

3.1  –  on context Btn

  When you click on On Context, PCA provides a fast way
  to obtain context-sensitive help on any object you
  click on in the Collector window.

  Note that when you click on On Context, the arrow
  pointer converts to a reverse question mark, indicating
  you are in Context-Sensitive Help mode. To revert to
  regular mouse input mode, click on On Context again.

3.2  –  on help Btn

  To get help on using the Collector, you can use one of
  two methods:

  o  Choose On Context from the Help menu. Then click on
     any object in the Collector window on which you want

  o  Press and hold MB1 on any object in the Collector
     main window on which you want help, and press the
     Help key on your keyboard.

3.3  –  on window Btn

  PCA collects performance information on your
  application and lets you view that information
  to observe the runtime characteristics of your
  application, such as:

  o  What parts of your application are executed the most

  o  What parts of your application are compute-bound or

  o  What areas of your application are, or are not,
     executed by tests

  o  What the dynamic call relationships are among the
     routines in your application

  o  Where page faults occur

  o  Where you use system services

  With this information, PCA helps you pinpoint important
  qualities of your application, such as the location
  and nature of performance bottlenecks, or how effective
  your test coverage is.

3.4  –  on version Btn


  HP CONFIDENTIAL. This software is confidential
  proprietary software licensed by Hewlett-Packard
  Development Company, L.P., and is not authorized to
  be used, duplicated or disclosed to anyone without the
  prior written permission of HP.

  © 2015 Copyright Hewlett-Packard Development Company,

  confidential proprietary software licensed by VMS
  Software, Inc., and is not authorized to be used,
  duplicated or disclosed to anyone without the prior
  written permission of VMS Software, Inc.

  © 2015 Copyright VMS Software, Inc.


  For more information about the PCA Collector, double
  click on Overview of PCA from the additional topics
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