Library /sys$common/syshlp/PCAC_HELP.HLB  —  pcacui  set range PopBultn
  Use the Counting Elements dialog box to specify the
  elements of your application on which you want to
  collect counting information. You can collect counting
  information on:

  o  All the routines in your application

  o  All the lines in your application

  o  Specific routines in your application

1  –  set range Form

  Use the Counting Elements dialog box to specify the
  elements of your application on which you want to
  collect counting information. You can collect counting
  information on:

  o  All the routines in your application

  o  All the lines in your application

  o  Specific routines in your application

1.1  –  range Lab

  Use the Counting Elements dialog box to specify the
  elements of your application on which you want to
  collect counting information. You can collect counting
  information on:

  o  All the routines in your application

  o  All the lines in your application

  o  Specific routines in your application

1.2  –  range Radio

  You can click on:

  o  All Routines - to collect counting information on
     all the routines in your application

  o  All Lines - to collect counting information on all
     the lines in your application

  o  Specific Elements... - to specify individual
     routines in your application on which to collect
     counting information.

1.2.1  –  All Routines Tgl

  Click on All Routines to collect counting information
  on all the routines in your application.

1.2.2  –  All Lines Tgl

  Click on All Lines to collect coverage information on
  all the lines in your application.

1.2.3  –  Some Modules Tgl

  Click on Specific Elements... to collect counting
  information on specific program elements in your
  application. When you click on Specific Elements...,
  the Collector displays the Specific Elements dialog
  box, in which you can select specific routines to
  collect counting information on.

1.3  –  range ok Btn

  Click on the Ok button to accept the current settings
  of the dialog box and to dismiss the dialog box.

1.4  –  range cancel Btn

  Click on Cancel to cancel the current settings of the
  dialog box and to dismiss the dialog box.
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