Library /sys$common/syshlp/PCAA_HELP.HLB  —  PCAA  main MnWind, menu bar MenuBar, navigation Casc
  After you generate histograms or tables, you can
  examine the results by interpreting the information
  collected from the perspective of your program's
  structure. You can navigate, or traverse, around
  the program's structure to view the areas with the
  most data points (the "hotspots") along with their
  corresponding source lines.

  The following are the navigation buttons:

  o  Next Hotspot

  o  Previous Hotspot

  o  First Hotspot

  o  Last Hotspot
Additional Information: explode extract

set lang ada Btn set lang basic Btn set lang bliss Btn set lang c Btn set lang cobol Btn set lang cxx Btn set lang dibol Btn set lang fortran Btn set lang macro Btn set lang pascal Btn set lang pl1 Btn set lang rpg Btn set lang scan Btn set lang unknown Btn
next Btn
previous Btn
first Btn
last Btn


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