Library /sys$common/syshlp/PCAA_HELP.HLB  —  PCAA  Overview frame
  PCA collects performance information on your
  application and lets you view that information
  to observe the runtime characteristics of your
  application, such as:

  o  Where your application spends the most time

  o  What parts of your application are executed the most

  o  What parts of your application are compute-bound or

  o  What areas of your application are, or are not,
     executed by tests

  o  What the dynamic call relationships are among the
     routines in your application

  o  Where page faults occur

  o  Where you use system services

  With this information, PCA helps you pinpoint important
  qualities of your application, such as the location
  and nature of performance bottlenecks, or how effective
  your test coverage is.

  For more information on what PCA does and how to use
  PCA, refer to:

  o  Overview topics in the online help

  o  The hardcopy manual, Guide to DIGITAL Performance
     and Coverage Analyzer for OpenVMS Systems.
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