Library /sys$common/syshlp/PCA$HELP.HLB  —  Vectors  Analyzing Vector Processor Data
    The Analyzer plots and displays the results of the vector
    instructions data gathered in the Collector. You can use three
    views to aid in the analysis of the scalar/vector processor
    parallelism: Table, Histogram, and Annotated Source.

    You can set the data kind to the any of the following, depending
    on what was gathered by the collection run:

    o  Vector instructions counted

    o  Vector PC sampling

    o  Vector CPU sampling

    The following additional domains are available with vector
    instruction analysis:

    o  INSTRUCTIONS-Sets the domain to be the vector instruction
       found at the sampled or counted PC.

    o  VLENGTH-Sets the domain to be the Vector Length Register (VLR)

    o  VMASK-Sets the domain to be the Vector Mask Register (VMR)

    o  VOPCODE-Sets the domain to be specific vector instructions

    o  VOPERATIONS-Sets the domain to be the number of operations per
       Vector instruction

    o  VREGISTERS-Sets the domain to be the Vector Register usage

    o  VSTRIDE-Sets the domain to be the Vector Stride values
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