Library /sys$common/syshlp/PCA$HELP.HLB  —  SET  TITLE  Description
    The SET TITLE command establishes up to six lines of title text
    to be displayed on each page of output from PLOT, TABULATE and
    related commands. The new title does not take effect until you
    enter another PLOT or TABULATE command (it does not affect the
    current plot or table). Each title line is centered within the
    current terminal width. After centering, the rightmost 10 columns
    of the first title line are overlaid with the page number. To
    prevent truncation, the first title line should thus be limited
    to the current terminal width minus 20 characters of text.

    If you have established a multiline title, you can change
    individual lines within that title by using the /LINE=n
    qualifier. If /LINE=n is not used, the new title completely
    replaces all of the previous title lines.

    If you do not issue a SET TITLE command, "Performance and
    Coverage Analyzer for OpenVMS" is shown on the first title line.
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