Library /sys$common/syshlp/PCA$HELP.HLB  —  SET  STACK_PCS, Description
    The SET STACK_PCS command enables the collection stack PC values
    for program counter sampling data, CPU sampling data, system
    services data, I/O services data, exact execution count data,
    and test coverage data. The stack PC values for a data point
    consist of the program counter value and all call stack return
    addresses for that data point. In addition, you can collect or
    not collect stack PC values for these data kinds by using the
    /STACK_PCS or /NOSTACK_PCS qualifiers. See the Command Dictionary
    description for each of the previously mentioned data kinds for
    more information.

    If you collect stack PC values in the Collector, the Analyzer is
    able to charge back the resources consumed in shareable images
    (such as the Run-Time Library) to the code in your program that
    calls the shareable images. To use the stack PC information, use
    the /MAIN_IMAGE, /CUMULATIVE or /STACK_DEPTH qualifier with the
    PLOT or TABULATE command in the Analyzer.
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