Library /sys$common/syshlp/PCA$HELP.HLB  —  MERGE  Qualifiers  /ANC
    For PCA data files with identical image names, image identifiers,
    link times and link identifiers; PCA writes all ANC (acceptable
    non-coverage) information to the coverage-set table in the output

    For PCA data files with identical image names and different image
    identifiers, link times or link identifiers; PCA writes only ANC
    (acceptable non-coverage) information from the input PCA data
    file to the coverage-set table in the output file which can be
    validated by the codepath data in both the input and output PCA
    data files.

    /ANC and /SPM_PROCESS_ID cannot be used together in the same
    command. The /ANC qualifier can only be used when merging PCA
    performance data files.
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