Library /sys$common/syshlp/PCA$HELP.HLB  —  Frequently Asked Questions, Virtual Memory in the Analyzer
    The Analyzer is running out of virtual memory. What do I do?

    Raise the appropriate quotas, limit the number of displays, and
    limit the memory used by displays (use /SIZE=n).

    Limit the size of your plots with the following methods:

    -  Use limiting nodespecs. For example, if PROGRAM_ADDRESS BY
       LINE doesn't work, try MODULE foo BY LINE, or ROUTINE fee BY

    -  Use the traverse commands after issuing PLOT/your_qualifiers

    -  Use the /NOZEROS, /MINIMUM, /MAXIMUM qualifiers.

    -  Use filters with CALL_TREE nodespecs to reduce the number of
       call chains.
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