1 SPAWN PCA Command Spawns a subprocess so you can temporarily suspend the PCA session to run another program or to execute DCL commands. Format SPAWN [dcl-command] 2 Parameters dcl-command Specifies a DCL command. If you specify the dcl-command parameter, a subprocess is created which executes the specified DCL command. Control is returned to the PCA session when the DCL command terminates. If you omit the dcl-command parameter, the SPAWN command creates a subprocess and attaches the terminal to that process. You can then enter DCL commands at the terminal. When you log out of the subprocess or attach back to the parent process, you can continue your PCA session. If the DCL command you specify includes a semicolon, you must enclose the command in quotation marks. Otherwise, the semicolon can be mistaken for a PCA command separator. To include a quotation mark inside the string, enter two consecutive quotation marks. 2 Description The SPAWN command acts the same as the DCL SPAWN command. You can use it to break out of the PCA session to edit files, to read mail, or to do any other tasks you would normally do at DCL level, all without ending your PCA session. 2 Qualifiers /NOWAIT Specifies that PCA should not wait for the subprocess to finish. You can then enter additional PCA commands while the subprocess is running. When the subprocess eventually completes, a message is displayed on your terminal. In general, you should not use the /NOWAIT qualifier if the spawned subprocess prompts for input or displays much output on the terminal. 2 Examples PCAC> SPAWN MAIL You have 1 new message. MAIL> READ\NEW . . . MAIL> EXIT %PCA-I-RETURNED, control returned to process CARRELL PCAC> This command spawns a subprocess that runs the MAIL program. When you exit from MAIL, you return to the original PCA session. PCAC> SPAWN $ TYPE MUMBLE.DAT . . . $ LOGOUT Process CARRELL_1 logged out at 29-FEB-1985 14:10:43.55 %PCA-I-RETURNED, control returned to process CARRELL PCAC> This command spawns a subprocess. Since you did not specify a DCL command on the SPAWN command, the subprocess prompts for DCL commands. When you log out of the subprocess, you return to the PCA session.