1 SEARCH PCA Command Searches the source code for a specified string, then displays the source line or lines containing an occurrence of that string in the output window. Format SEARCH [range] [string] 2 Parameters range Defines the boundaries of the search. If you do not specify a range, the SEARCH command searches the module most recently referenced with a SEARCH or TYPE command, from the line following the last line displayed to the end of the module. PCA can search only one module at a time. These boundaries may be defined with any of the following formats: modname Searches the entire specified module. [modname\]line-number Searches the specified module from the specified line number to the end of the module. [modname\]line-number:line-number Searches the inclusive interval between the two line numbers of the specified module. string Specifies the sequence of characters to search for in the source. If you do not specify a string, then the most recently specified search string is used. If the string contains spaces, tabs, commas or parentheses, then it must be delimited by either double or single quotation marks. If the string delimited by quotation marks has a quotation mark within it, the enclosed quotation mark must be expressed as two consecutive quotation marks (i.e. If the string delimited by single quotation marks has a single quote within it, the enclosed single quote must be expressed as two consecutive single quotes (e.g. '')). The search is case sensitive depending on the currently set language. If the string is not delimited, then the default range parameter must not be used and the string may not contain any blanks, tabs or semicolons. 2 Description The SEARCH command allows you to search your source code for a specified string. The source line or lines containing an occurrence of that string are then displayed. You can use the SEARCH and TYPE commands to display specific lines, or a range of lines. However, if you have moved your source files, then you must establish a source directory search list with the SET SOURCE command in order to use these commands. 2 Qualifiers /ALL Searches the specified range for all occurrences of the string and display every line containing the string. /NEXT Searches the specified range for the first occurrence of the string and display that line. This is the default. /IDENTIFIER Names the string as an identifier. The specified range is searched for the first occurrence of this identifier. If the string (identifier) is bound on either side by a character that can be part of an identifier defined by the SET LANGUAGE command, then it is not displayed. The search continues until it finds an occurrence of the string that is not bound by such characters. /STRING Searches the specified range for an occurrence of the string without interpreting the context surrounding the string. This is the default. 2 Examples PCAC> SEARCH/STRING/ALL COBOLTEST "D" 40:50 40: 02 D2N COMP-2 VALUE -234560000000 41: 02 D COMP-2 VALUE 222222.33 47: 02 DRO COMP-2 VALUE 0.1 50: 02 DR5 COMP-2 VALUE 0.000001 This command searches for all occurrences of the letter D in lines 40 through 50 of the module COBOLTEST, and displays the result.