1 PRINT Analyzer Command Sends the output from the most recent PLOT, TABULATE, INCLUDE, EXCLUDE, LIST or traverse command to the printer. Format PRINT 2 Description The PRINT command sends the output of the last PLOT, TABULATE, INCLUDE, EXCLUDE, LIST, or traverse command to the system printer. To print a histogram, table, or listing of raw performance data, enter the command to generate a report on the terminal, and then enter a PRINT command to send that report to the printer. The print file produced by the PRINT command is named PCAPLOT.TMP and is queued to SYS$PRINT. When printing histograms and tables, the PRINT command assumes that there are 66 lines per page and formats the output accordingly. You can change the number of lines per page by defining the logical name SYS$LP_LINES at DCL level. To be notified at your terminal when your output has finished printing, use the /NOTIFY qualifier. 2 Qualifiers /NOTIFY Sends a message to your terminal when the printer has finished your print job. 2 Examples PCAA> PLOT/IO_SERVICES PROGRAM BY ROUTINE PCAA> PRINT %PCA-I-FILQUE, print file queued to SYS$PRINT The PLOT command generates a histogram. The PRINT command sends that histogram to the printer. PCAA> TABULATE/SOURCE MODULE FOO BY LINE PCAA> PRINT/NOTIFY %PCA-I-FILQUE, print file queued to SYS$PRINT PCAA> Job PCAPLOT (queue SYS_LPA0, entry 1354) completed PCAA> The TABULATE command generates a table. The PRINT command then sends that table to the printer. When the TABULATE output has finished printing, a message is displayed on the terminal.