1 Nodespecs Node specifications (nodespecs) specify code locations, and are passed as parameters to Collector and Analyzer commands. Nodespecs allow you to specify individual locations (e.g., a line, or codepath), or a class of locations (e.g., all routines in the program). 2 Collector_Nodespecs In the Collector, the SET COUNTERS and SET COVERAGE commands require one or more nodespecs to specify the program locations at which to collect execution counts or coverage data. The following example specifies an execution counter on every routine in the entire program. Notice that it has two clauses. The first clause (PROGRAM_ADDRESS) specifies the range, and the second clause (BY ROUTINE) specifies the unit. PCAC> SET COUNTERS PROGRAM_ADDRESS BY ROUTINE In the Collector, only nodespecs in the program address domain, specifying routines, codepaths, or lines, can be used. See Program_Address_Domain in this HELP entry for valid forms of the nodespecs. 2 Analyzer_Nodespecs In the Analyzer, nodespecs are required on PLOT and TABULATE commands to define how to partition the histogram or table into buckets. Depending on the partitioning you specify, the Analyzer selects a data domain and partitions it into value ranges (buckets). The buckets are then displayed along the vertical axis of the histogram. The Analyzer accepts a wider range of nodespecs than the Collector does because Analyzer nodespecs can cover domains other than the program address domain. The following nodespec specifies a set of buckets. It consists of an address range specification, followed by a BY clause. The result is a plot which shows one histogram bar for each routine in module M1. PCAC> PLOT MODULE M1 BY ROUTINE See Program_Address_Domain and Non-Program_Address_Domains in this HELP entry for nodespecs that are valid in the Analyzer. 2 Program_Address_Domain LINE [pathname\] %LINE n LINE [pathname\] %LINE n BY [n] BYTES LINE [pathname\] %LINE n BY CODEPATH MODULE pathname MODULE pathname BY ROUTINE MODULE pathname BY [n] LINES MODULE pathname BY CODEPATH MODULE pathname BY [n] BYTES MODULE pathname BY VINSTRUCTION PROGRAM_ADDRESS BY MODULE PROGRAM_ADDRESS BY ROUTINE PROGRAM_ADDRESS BY [n] LINES PROGRAM_ADDRESS BY CODEPATH PROGRAM_ADDRESS BY [n] BYTES PROGRAM ADDRESS BY VINSTRUCTION ROUTINE pathname ROUTINE pathname BY ROUTINE ROUTINE pathname BY [n] LINES ROUTINE pathname BY CODEPATH ROUTINE pathname BY [n] BYTES ROUTINE pathname BY VINSTRUCTION 3 Pathname This is the BNF description of the PCA pathname syntax. a-char ::== 'a' | 'A' alpha-char ::== 'a' .. 'z' | 'A'..'Z' b-char ::== 'b' | 'B' digit-char ::== '0' .. '9' dot-char ::== '.' double-colon-char ::== ':' double-quote-char ::== '"' e-char ::== 'e' | 'E' i-char ::== 'i' | 'I' l-char ::== 'l' | 'L' m-char ::== 'm' | 'M' n-char ::== 'n' | 'N' percent-char ::== '%' single-quote-char ::== ''' space-char ::== space | horizontal-tab special-char ::== '^' | '~' | '|' | '#' | '$' | '-' | '=' | '&' | '+' | '<' | '>' | '*' | '_' zero-char ::== '0' operator-char ::== space-char | '[' | ']' | ',' | '(' | ')' | '/' | '!' | '\' quote-char ::= single-quote-char | double-quote-char separator-char ::== '\' | dot-char (Ada only) terminator-char ::== space-char | carriage-return | '[' | ']' | ',' | '(' | ')' | '/' | '!' double-quoted-char ::== alpha-char | digit-char | dot-char | double-colon-char | operator-char | percent-char | single-quote-char | special-char single-quoted-char ::== alpha-char | digit-char | double-colon-char | double-quote-char | dot-char | operator-char | percent-char | special-char unquoted-char ::== alpha-char | digit-char | dot-char (not Ada) | double-quote-char | percent-char | single-quote-char | special-char double-quote-quote ::== double-quote-char double-quote-char double-quote-sequence ::== double-quoted-char | double-quote-quote double-quoted-identifier ::== double-quote-char double-quote-sequence [{double-quoted-sequence}] double-quote-char single-quote-quote ::== single-quote-char single-quote-char single-quote-sequence ::== single-quoted-char | single-quote-quote single-quoted-identifier ::== single-quote-char single-quote-sequence [{single-quoted-sequence}] single-quote-char double-colon-colon ::== double-colon-char double-colon-char unquoted-identifier ::== {[ [{unquoted-char}] double-colon-colon]} unquoted-char [{unquoted-char}] quoted-identifier ::== double-quoted-indentifier | single-quoted-identifer token-identifier ::== quoted-identifier | unquoted-identifier label-identifier ::== percent l-char a-char [b-char e-char l-char] space-char [{space-char}] token-identifer line-identifier ::== percent l-char i-char [n-char e-char] space-char [{space-char}] [{'0'}] digit-char {digit-char} [dot [{'0'}] digit-char {digit-char}] name-identifier ::== percent n-char a-char [m-char e-char] space-char [{space-char}] token-identifer identifier ::== line-identifier | label-identifier | name-identifier | token-identifier path-name :== [{identifier separator-char}] identifier terminator-char The following BNF operator definitions are used: ::== assignment operator. | exclusive OR operator. [] optional operator. .. range operator. {} repeat operator. 2 Non-Program_Address_Domains CALL_TREE BY CHAIN_MODULE CALL_TREE BY CHAIN_ROUTINE CALL_TREE BY CHAIN_LINE CHAIN_MODULE chain-name CHAIN_ROUTINE chain-name CHAIN_LINE chain-name TIME BY EVENT TIME BY [n] MSECS EVENT event-name EVENT event-name BY [n] MSECS IO_SYSTEM_SERVICE BY IO_SERVICE IO_SERVICE io-service-name FILE_NAME BY FILE FILE_KEY BY [n] KEY FILE_VBN BY [n] BLOCKS PHYSICAL_IO_COUNT BY [n] COUNTS RECORD_SIZE BY [n] BYTES READ_COUNT BY [n] COUNTS WRITE_COUNT BY [n] COUNTS SYSTEM_SERVICE BY SERVICE SERVICE service-name TASK BY TASK_IDENTIFIER TASK_IDENTIFIER task-id TASK_TYPE BY TASK_TYPE_NAME TASK_TYPE_NAME task-type TASK_PRIORITY BY [n] PRIORITY_UNITS VLENGTH BY [n] ELEMENTS VMASK BY [n] CELLS VOPERATIONS BY [n] OPERATIONS VSTRIDES BY [n] BYTES INSTRUCTION BY VOPCODES VOPCODE vector-opcode VREGISTER BY VREGISTER REGISTER vector-reg