Library /sys$common/syshlp/PCA$HELP.HLB  —  SET  SERVICES
    Collector Command

    Enables the collection of system services data. Data is collected
    for each system service call in the program.



1  –  Description

    The SET SERVICES command enables the collection of system
    services data. After you enter the GO command with system
    services data collection enabled, the Collector intercepts every
    system service call in the user program and records it in the
    performance data file. For each call, the Collector records the
    name of the system service, the program location where it was
    called, and a CPU time stamp.

    You must collect stack PC information if you want to use a /MAIN_
    IMAGE, /CUMULATIVE or /STACK_DEPTH qualifier with the PLOT or
    TABULATE command in the Analyzer.

2  –  Qualifiers

2.1    /STACK_PCS

    Specifies that stack PC values are collected for system services
    data. This is the default upon entry into the Collector.


    Specifies that no stack PC values are collected for system
    services data.



    Specifies that the specifed user routines shall be called at the
    start and end of each system service call.

    Qualifier Parameter         Description

    image-name                  The shareable image containing the
                                entry-routine or/and exit-routine.
    entry-routine               The routine to call before calling
                                the system service. The null string
                                (i.e. "") indicates no routine is to
                                be called.
    exit-routine                The routine to call after calling the
                                system service. The null string (i.e.
                                "") indicates no routine is to be

 The following rule applies regarding the /USER_ROUTINE qualifier:

    1. Only one of the entry and exit routines may be null;

    For more information on user routines in PCA, see the HELP entry
    for User_Routines.



    Specifies that no user routines shall be called at the start and
    end of each system service call. This is the default upon entry
    into the PCA Collector.

3  –  Examples


      This command specifies the collection of system services data,
      and disables the collection of stack PC values.
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