Library /sys$common/syshlp/PCA$HELP.HLB  —  SET  KEY
    PCA Command

    Changes the current key definition state. Key definition states
    are used by keypad keys defined with the DEFINE/KEY command.


      SET KEY

1  –  Description

    When you define keypad keys using the DEFINE/KEY command, you
    can assign a specific state name to each key definition. The
    PCA-defined state names are DEFAULT, GOLD, BLUE, CONTRACT,
    EXPAND, and MOVE. If the assigned state is not set when you
    press the key, the command string to which the key is bound is
    not processed. You use the SET KEY command to change the current
    state so that keys for the specified state are processed.

    If you do not use the SET KEY command, the current keypad state
    is DEFAULT.

2  –  Qualifiers

2.1    /LOG


    Controls whether a log message is displayed indicating that the
    key state has been set. The default is /LOG.

2.2    /STATE


    Specifies the keypad state to be set. The state name can be any
    alphanumeric string. If you omit the /STATE qualifier or use
    /NOSTATE, the current state is left unchanged. The default state
    is DEFAULT.

3  –  Examples


      The SET KEY command sets the current state to BLUE. After
      entering this command, when you press a keypad key with a BLUE
      definition, that definition is executed even if you do not
      press the PF4 key first. (The PF4 key is the PCA-defined BLUE
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