Library /sys$common/syshlp/PCA$HELP.HLB  —  SET  EDITOR
    Analyzer Command

    Determines the editor that is selected by the EDIT command. This
    allows you to edit the source file displayed by the current PLOT
    or TABULATE command.


      SET EDITOR  [command-line]

1  –  Parameters


    The optional command line is only used with LSEDIT and VAXTPU,
    and is passed to the respective callable editor with each
    subsequent EDIT command. If you do not specify a command line, a
    default of LSEDIT or TPU will be assumed. The command line should
    consist of the DCL command line used to invoke the editor, except
    that it should begin with LSEDIT or TPU instead of EDIT/LSEDIT or

2  –  Description

    The SET EDITOR command allows you to determine which editor will
    be invoked, and how it will be invoked, when you issue the EDIT
    command. These editors must be accessible from DCL level. If you
    do not specify an editor with the SET EDITOR command, then the
    EDIT command will invoke the Language Sensitive Editor.

3  –  Qualifiers



    These qualifiers specify the callable editor that is invoked by
    subsequent EDIT commands. If you do not specify a qualifier, then
    the spawned command line is used to invoke the editor.



    Specifies whether to pass the number of the source line to the
    editor. /START_POSITION is appended to the command line that is
    also passed to the editor with each subsequent EDIT command.
    /NOSTART_POSITION is the default, unless spawned LSEDIT is
    selected. In that case, /START_POSITION is the default.

4  –  Examples


      This command causes subsequent EDIT commands to invoke callable
      LSEDIT with the default command line of LSEDIT/READ_ONLY. Also,
      the /START_POSITION qualifier will be appended to the command
      line, causing the editing session to start on the source line
      that the Analyzer is currently pointing to.
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