Library /sys$common/syshlp/PCA$HELP.HLB  —  SET  DATAFILE  Qualifiers

1    /APPEND

    Appends the performance or coverage data from the current
    collection run to an existing performance data file. If the file
    specified by file-spec exists, the Collector opens that file
    and appends the performance or coverage data from the current
    collection run to it. If the file specified by file-spec does
    not exist, the Collector creates a new data file by that name and
    writes the performance or coverage data to that file. If you do
    not specify the /APPEND qualifier, the Collector always creates
    a new file. You may append data to an existing data file only by
    using the same image that originally created the file.


    Causes the Collector to use the default performance data file
    name. The default data file name consists of the name of the user
    program's executable image and the .PCA file type. You get the
    default file name if you do not use the SET DATAFILE command.
    However, you need the /EXECUTABLE qualifier if you want the
    default file name and you also want to specify the /APPEND or
    /SHAREABLE qualifier. If you specify the /EXECUTABLE qualifier,
    omit the file-spec parameter.



    Specifies that you want to measure the performance of a shareable
    image and that you have created a Debug Symbol Table that fits
    that shareable image. The img-name parameter specifies the
    shareable image to measure.
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