Library /sys$common/syshlp/PCA$HELP.HLB  —  SELECT
    PCA Command

    Selects a screen display as the current output, plot, source,
    scrolling, error, or input display.


      SELECT  [display-name]

1  –  Parameters


    Specifies the display to be selected. You may specify any one
    of the following, with the restrictions noted in the qualifier

    o  A predefined display (SRC, OUT, PLOT, and PROMPT).

    o  A display previously created with the SET DISPLAY command

    o  A pseudo-display name: %CURDISP, %CURSCROLL, %NEXTDISP,

    If you omit this parameter and do not specify a qualifier, you
    deselect the current scrolling display (no display then has the
    scrolling attribute). If you omit this parameter but specify a
    qualifier (/INPUT, /SOURCE, and so on), you deselect the current
    display with that attribute (see the qualifier descriptions).

2  –  Description

    Attributes are used to select the current scrolling display and
    to direct various types of PCA output to particular displays.
    This gives you the option of mixing or isolating different types
    of information, such as PCA input, output, diagnostic messages,
    and so on in scrollable displays.

    You can use the SELECT command with one or more qualifiers
    (/ERROR, /SOURCE, and so on) to assign one or more corresponding
    attributes to a display. If you do not specify a qualifier, the
    /SCROLL qualifier is assumed by default.

    If you use the SELECT command without specifying a display
    name, in general the attribute assignment indicated by the
    command qualifier is canceled (deselected). To reassign
    display attributes you must use another SELECT command. See the
    individual qualifier descriptions for details.

3  –  Qualifiers

3.1    /ERROR

    If you specify a display, selects it as the current error
    display. This causes all PCA diagnostic messages to go to that
    display. The display specified must be either an output display
    or the PROMPT display.

    If you do not specify a display, the PROMPT display is selected
    as the current error display. By default, the PROMPT display has
    the error attribute.

3.2    /INPUT

    If you specify a display, selects it as the current input
    display. This causes that display to echo PCA input (which always
    appears in the PROMPT display). The display specified must be an
    output display.

    If you do not specify a display, the current input display is
    deselected and PCA input is not echoed to any display (PCA input
    appears only in the PROMPT display). By default, no display has
    the input attribute.

3.3    /OUTPUT

    If you specify a display, selects it as the current output
    display. This causes PCA output that is not already directed
    to another display to go to that display. The display specified
    must be either an output display or the PROMPT display.

    If you do not specify a display, the PROMPT display is selected
    as the current output display. By default, the OUT display has
    the output attribute.

3.4    /PLOT

    Directs all output from PLOT, TABULATE and related commands to
    the specified display. This display becomes the current plot
    display. By default, the PLOT display has the plot attribute.

3.5    /PROMPT

    Selects the specified display as the current prompt display.
    This is where PCA prompts for input. Currently, only the
    PROMPT display may be specified. Note that you cannot deselect
    the PROMPT display (the PROMPT display always has the prompt

3.6    /SCROLL

    If you specify a display, selects it as the current scrolling
    display. This is the default display for the SCROLL, MOVE,
    and EXPAND commands. Although any display may have the scroll
    attribute, note that you can use only the MOVE and EXPAND
    commands (not the SCROLL command) with the PROMPT display.

    If you do not specify a display, the current scrolling display is
    deselected and no display has the scroll attribute.

3.7    /SOURCE

    If you specify a display, selects it as the current source
    display. This causes the output of all TYPE commands to go to
    that display. The display specified must be a source display.

    If you do not specify a display, the current source display is
    deselected and no display has the source attribute.

4  –  Examples


      The SELECT/SOURCE/SCROLL command selects display SRC2 as the
      current source and scrolling display.


      The SELECT/INPUT/ERROR command selects display OUT as the
      current input and error display. This causes PCA input,
      output (assuming OUT is the current output display), and PCA
      diagnostic messages to be logged in the OUT display in the
      correct sequence.


      The first command selects the OUT display as the current
      scrolling display. The SCROLL command has no display-name
      parameter, and therefore scrolls the OUT display.


      This command cancels the plot display. All PLOT command output
      is directed to the output display.
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