Library /sys$common/syshlp/PCA$HELP.HLB  —  DELETE
    PCA Command

    Command keyword for the commands DELETE/COMMAND and DELETE/KEY.
    These commands delete command abbreviations established with
    DEFINE/COMMAND or keypad definitions established with DEFINE/KEY.


      DELETE/COMMAND  parameters

      DELETE/KEY  parameters

1  –  Parameters


    Depend on the qualifier specified.


    PCA Command

    Deletes command definitions established with the DEFINE/COMMAND


      DELETE/COMMAND  symbol-name[,symbol-name...]

2.1  –  Parameters


    Specifies the name of a command symbol whose definition is to be
    deleted. This symbol name must have been defined with a previous
    DEFINE/COMMAND command.

2.2  –  Description

    The DELETE/COMMAND command is used to delete command synonyms
    established with the DEFINE/COMMAND command.

2.3  –  Examples


      This example shows how to delete the command definitions for
      symbols FOO and FEE.

3    /KEY

    PCA Command

    Deletes key definitions established with the DEFINE/KEY command.


      DELETE/KEY  [key-name]

3.1  –  Parameters


    Specifies the name of the key whose definition you want to

3.2  –  Description

    The DELETE/KEY command deletes key definitions established
    with the DEFINE/KEY command. The DELETE/KEY command and the
    UNDEFINE/KEY command perform the same function.

3.3  –  Qualifiers

3.3.1    /ALL

    Specifies that all key definitions in the specified state be
    deleted. If you use the /ALL qualifier, do not specify a key
    name. If you do not specify a state, all key definitions in the
    current state are deleted. Use the /STATE qualifier to specify
    one or more states.

3.3.2    /LOG


    Controls whether a log message is displayed indicating that the
    specified key definition has been deleted. The default is /LOG.

3.3.3    /STATE

       /STATE=(state-name [,...])

    Specifies the names of the states under which the specified key
    definitions are to be deleted. If you specify only one state
    name, you can omit the parentheses. A state name can be any
    appropriate alphanumeric string.

    If you omit the /STATE qualifier of if you use the /NOSTATE
    qualifier, key definitions in the current state are deleted.

3.4  –  Examples


      This command shows how to delete the key definitions for the
      keypad key KP7 (the 7 key on the numeric keypad).
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