Library /sys$common/syshlp/PATCHHELP.HLB  —  DELETE
 Use DELETE to delete data from one location  or from  several
 consecutive locations in terms of the current mode settings.
 When you use the DELETE command to delete ASCII and numeric data,
 the data  is replaced with zeros.


      DELETE location = current-contents [,...]

      Mode Qualifiers                 Defaults
      ____ __________                 ________

      /WORD                           /LONG

      /DECIMAL                        /HEXADECIMAL

      /[NO]ASCII                      /NOASCII


 	LOC> location
 	OLD> current-contents

1  –  Parameters

      Specifies either (1) a single location whose contents are  to  be
      deleted  or  (2)  the starting address of a sequence of locations
      whose contents are to be deleted.

      Specifies one or more data entries to be deleted.
      The data you specify must be the actual contents.
      Do not specify conflicting data  types  within  a  single  DELETE
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