Library /sys$common/syshlp/PATCHHELP.HLB  —  DEFINE
 Use DEFINE to equate a  symbolic  name  to  a  value.   Once  the
 assignment  has been performed, you can specify the symbolic name
 in place of the value it denotes for the duration  of  the  PATCH

 When you use the DEFINE command to create symbolic  names,  PATCH
 always  searches  the symbol table for these symbolic names first
 when it translates a symbol into a value.  More than one symbolic
 name can be assigned to a single value.

      You can redefine a symbolic name to represent a new value.

      Two restrictions apply to the use of the DEFINE command:

           o  You cannot equate a symbolic name to a pathname

           o  You  cannot  specify  the  /ASCII  mode  qualifier,
 	     nor  can  you  set  the  ASCII mode, when equating a
 	     symbol name to a value


      DEFINE symbol-name = value [,symbol-name = value,...]


 	NAM> symbol-name
 	VAL> value

 If you enter the symbol name on the initial  command  line,  you  must
 also enter the value on that line.

1  –  Parameters

      Specifies  a  1-  to  31-character  user-defined  symbol  to   be
      associated  with the specified value.  The symbol name must start
      with an alphabetic character, and  can  consist  of  alphanumeric
      characters, dollar signs ($), underscores (_), and/or periods (.).
      (PATCH does not distinguish between  uppercase  and  lowercase
      letters; that is, the value ABC is equivalent to the value abc.)
      The symbol name cannot be a pathname.

      Specifies a numeric address or symbolic expression that is to  be
      assigned the specified symbolic name.
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