Library /sys$common/syshlp/NET$SDA.HLB  —  HELP  SHOW  OSI
 	Integrated OSI Transport is a transport that may be utilized by DNA
 	session or OSI applications.

1  –  ATBs

 	Show the Association Block Table and any of its
 	extensions tables.  This table contains the
 	information regarding associations between transport
 	and its users.

2  –  LSBs

 	Show the Link Service Blocks for Normal DATA and
 	Expedited DATA Subchannels.

3  –  LSPs

 	Show all Local Service providers for OSI Transport.

         For OSI Transport, there will be one Local Service
         Provider  for each local NSAP that includes OSI as its
         transport selector.

         A Local NSAP can be thought of as a point of entry for
         users of  OSI transport.

4  –  NCCBs

 	Show all Network COnnection COntrol Blocks for OSI Transport.

         For OSI Transport when run over a connection oriented network service
 	(CONS), there will be one NCCB for each network connection established,
 	and one NCCB for each X.25 Access filter OSI transport is listening on.

4.1  –  RSP

 	Specify a Remote Service Provider to select those nccbs.

 	This will list all OSI Transport network connections, both incoming
 	and outgoing, that exist between this local network address and
 	a specific remote network address.

5  –  PORTs

         A port is a data structure describing a transport

5.1  –  RSP

 	Specify a Remote Service Provider to select those ports.

 	This will in effect, list all OSI Transport connections
 	that exist between a specific local service provider and
 	a specific remote service provider .

 	NOTE: There exists one Local Service Provider per local NSAP.
 	      There exists one Remote Service Provider per remote NSAP.

5.2  –  NCCB

 	Specify a Network Connection Block to select those ports.

 	This will list all the transport connections, using a existing over
 	a specific network connection.

6  –  RSPs

         Show Remote Service Providers under a Local Service
         Provider  under OSI transport. (All is the default).

         For OSI Transport, there will be one Remote Service
         Provider  for each remote NSAP that has had contact with
         this Local  Service Provider using OSI transport.

         A Remote NSAP can be thought of as a point of entry on
         the  remote node, for users of OSI transport.

 	NOTE: There exists one Local Service Provider per local NSAP.
 	      There exists one Remote Service Provider per remote NSAP.

6.1  –  LSP

 	Specify a Local Service Provider under OSI transport.

 	For OSI Transport, there will be one Local Service
 	Provider for each local NSAP that includes OSI as its
 	transport selector.

 	A Local NSAP can be thought of as a point of entry for users of
 	OSI transport.

7  –  TCTBs

         Show the Transport Connection Block Table and any of its
         extensions tables. This Table contains information
         regarding connections that  exist on this node.
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