Library /sys$common/syshlp/NET$MGMT_HELP.HLB  —  osi  app
   An OSI Transport Application entity stores information about an end user
   that is activated for receipt of an incoming connection request when the
   request contains that end user's name in its Destination Name field.

1  –  character

         Default: No tsap                              Value: Hex-string

         Transport Service Access Point TSAP for which the image specified by
         the image name characteristic accepts connections. This
         characteristic, which is similar to the addresses characteristic, is
         used by applications that do not use the DNA session control protocol
         for example, VOTS applications.

         Default: No File Name                      Value: Filename

         File name of the program to be invoked upon receipt of a connect
         request containing a TSEL matching the <quote>Called TSELS attribute
         of the application entity.

        Default: No user Name                       Value: Username

         User name portion of the access control information that identifies the
         account under which the application is to run. If invalid information
         or no user name is specified, system defaults are used to select the
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