Library /sys$common/syshlp/NCPHELP.HLB  —  PARAMETERS
 Many parameters and components require user-supplied information when
 you issue an NCP command. For the most part, their syntax follows a
 standard set of rules. Exceptions to these rules are documented in the
 description of the parameter for which they apply. For the list below,
 all numeric values are in decimal and have a range of 0 to 65535 unless
 otherwise specified.

 All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces
 when parameters are used in NCP commands.

1  –  account

 A string of up to 39 alphanumeric and hyphen characters.  Currently,
 VMS systems do not use this string for access control.

2  –  address

 A string of 12 hexadecimal digits, represented by 6 bytes separated by
 hyphens, for example, AA-00-04-00-AB-04.  The string indicates the
 physical address.

3  –  area_number

 A decimal value in the range 1 to 63 to be specified in the beginning
 of the node-spec and separated from the node number by a period.  If
 you do not specify an area number, the area number of the executor is
 used. The default area number for the executor is 1.

4  –  circuit_id

 A string of characters whose exact syntax is that for a DECnet or
 X25 circuit identification.

 For DDCMP circuits, the circuit identification is in the
 form dev-c-u.t, for example, DMP-0.1.

 For Ethernet circuits, the circuit identification is a string in
 the form dev-c, for example, UNA-0.

 For FDDI circuits, the circuit identification is a string in the
 form dev-c, for example, MFA-0.

 For X25 circuits, the circuit identification is a string of up
 to 15 characters beginning with "X25-".

5  –  count

 A decimal numeric value.

6  –  cpu_type

 A string of characters consisting of one of the following:


7  –  dest_name

 An identification string consisting of 1 to 16 alphanumeric characters.

8  –  device_type

 A string of characters representing the mnemonic name for the device.
 Devices include the following.

         BNA     CEC     CI      DMB     DMC     DMF
         DMP  	DSF     DSW     EBA     EIA	EGA
 	ELA     ERA  	ETA     EWA     FPA     FZA
 	ISA     LLA	MFA	MNA     MXE     QNA
 	SVA	TRA	TRE	TRP     TT      TX

9  –  dte_address

 A string of up to 15 decimal digits.  See VAX PSI Public Network
 Information Cards for the exact format of this parameter on your network.

10  –  event_list

 A list of event types for a given class in the format class.type. When
 specifying an event list, you may specify only one class; however, you
 can specify a range of types by using commas and hyphens, for example,
 4.3-5,7-10. You can use an asterisk wildcard character in an event
 list, but only to replace an event type.  For example, 4.*, identifies
 all event types for class 4 events.

 See HELP EVENTS for a list of valid events.

11  –  file_spec

 A VMS file specification string in the following general format:


 Logical names are permitted.  The maximum length for a file
 specification in DECnet for OpenVMS is 127 characters.  Refer to the
 OpenVMS DCL Concepts Manual for the format of an OpenVMS file
 specification, and the Guide to OpenVMS File Applications for more
 information about specifying files.

12  –  hex_byte

 A string of exactly 2 hexadecimal digits.

13  –  hex_password

 A string of up to 8 hexadecimal digits.

14  –  hex_value

 A string of up to 32 hexadecimal digits.

15  –  id_string

 A string of up to 32 characters.  If the string includes spaces or tabs,
 enclose it within quotation marks.

16  –  line_id

 A string of characters whose exact syntax is that for a DECnet or
 X25 line identification.  For VMS the line identification takes
 one of the following forms dev-c or dev-c-u, for example
 UNA-0 or DUP-0.

17  –  milliseconds

 A decimal numeric value.

18  –  network_name

 For X25 circuits, specifies a 1 to 16 character alphanumeric identifier
 that indicates the network to be used.

19  –  node_address

 A numeric value in the range of 1.1 to 63.1023, composed of area number
 to the left of the period followed by a node number to the right of the
 period.  If the area number is not supplied, the area number of the
 executor is used.  The default area number is 1.

20  –  node_id

 Either a node-name or a node-address.

21  –  node_name

 A string of up to 6 alphanumeric characters containing at least one
 alphabetic character.

22  –  node_spec

 A node-name or node-address followed by optional access control
 information as specified for VMS in the form:

 node-id"user-id password account"

 The total length of user-id, password, and account must be less than
 or equal to 39 characters.

23  –  node_type

 A string of characters consisting of one of the following:

         ROUTING III
         ROUTING IV

24  –  number

 A decimal numeric value.

25  –  object_name

 A string of up to 16 printable characters.

26  –  password

 A string of up to 39 printable characters.  The total length of
 user-id, password, and account must be less than or equal to 39

27  –  privilege_list

 A list of VMS privilege names delimited by space characters.

28  –  seconds

 A decimal numeric value.

29  –  sink_name

 A string of alphanumeric characters.  The logging console name is a
 string in the form TTcnn: (if a terminal) or a VMS file
 specification if a file receives the events.  The logging file name
 is a VMS file specification.  The logging monitor name is a 1 to 9
 character name.  If the string contains spaces or tabs, enclose it
 in quotation marks.

 See file-spec for a description of valid VMS file specifications.

30  –  software_id

 A string of up to 16 characters.

31  –  software_type

 A string of characters consisting of one of the following:


32  –  tributary_address

 A numeric value in the range of 0 to 255.

33  –  user_id

 A string of up to 39 alphanumeric and hyphen characters.  The total
 length of user-id, password, and account must be less than or equal to 39
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