Library /sys$common/syshlp/NCPHELP.HLB  —  HELP
 The Network Control Program (NCP) is the utility program system managers
 and operators use to configure and control DECnet networks. System
 managers can also use NCP to monitor network resources and test network

 Use the HELP command to display information at various levels of detail.
 For example, each HELP display includes a list of command words under an
 "Additional Information Available" section. These command words serve as
 topics for the next level of information accessible by the HELP command.
 In the general format of the HELP command shown below, the topic is a
 command word from the list:

       NCP>HELP    [topic...]

 You can abbreviate command words when you issue the command. Once you
 enter a particular level of detail, that level becomes the current
 level for accessing information. Through the use of the prompts "TOPIC?"
 and "SUBTOPIC?" you can return to a higher or lower level of information,
 respectively. The highest level of information is the general
 description of the help facility.

1  –  Parameters


   Specifies one or more topics that indicate what information you
   want.  Information is located in a hierarchical manner, depending
   on the level of information required.

   If you specify an asterisk (*) in place of any topic, the  HELP
   command displays all information available at that level.

   If you specify an ellipsis (...) after any  topic, you obtain
   everything in the help file at that level.

   You can specify percent signs (%) and asterisks (*) in the topic
   as wild card characters.
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