Library /sys$common/syshlp/NCPHELP.HLB  —  CLEAR  LOGGING
 Use the CLEAR LOGGING command to remove logging parameters from the
 volatile database on the executor node.  Use the PURGE LOGGING command
 to remove logging parameters from the permanent database on the executor

         LOGGING CONSOLE         EVENTS event-list
         LOGGING FILE            KNOWN EVENTS
         LOGGING MONITOR         AREA area-number
                                 CIRCUIT circuit-id
                                 LINE line-id
                                 MODULE name
                                 NODE node-id
                                 SINK    EXECUTOR
                                         NODE node-id

 All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces
 when parameters are used in NCP commands.

1  –  ALL

 Indicates that all logging parameters for the specified component are
 to be removed from the database.  The component is no longer recognized
 by the network.

2  –  EVENTS event-list

 Identifies the class and types of events to be removed from the

 See HELP EVENTS for a list of valid events.

3  –  KNOWN

 Introduces a plural parameter or component.

3.1  –  EVENTS

 Indicates that the event filter is to be removed from the specified
 logging component.

3.2  –  LOGGING

 Indicates that the parameters for all known logging are to be removed
 from the database.

4  –  AREA area-number

 Indicated the area to which the events apply.  Events will not be logged
 for this source.

5  –  CIRCUIT circuit-id

 Identifies the circuit to which the events apply.  Events will not be
 logged for this source.

6  –  LINE line-id

 Identifies the line to which the events apply.  Events will not be logged
 for this source.


 Indicates that the parameters for logging to the console are to be
 removed from the database.

8  –  FILE

 Indicates that the parameters for logging to a file are to be removed
 from the database.

9  –  MODULE

 Introduces a MODULE parameter.

9.1  –  X25-ACCESS

 Removes all logging parameters for the specified logging source from
 the data base.

9.2  –  X25-PROTOCOL

 Removes all logging parameters for the specified logging source from
 the data base.

9.3  –  X25-SERVER

 Removes all logging parameters for the specified logging source from
 the data base.

9.4  –  X29-SERVER

 Removes all logging parameters for the specified logging source from
 the data base.

10  –  MONITOR

 Indicates that the parameters for logging to a monitor program are to
 be removed from the database.

11  –  NAME

 Indicates that the NAME parameter is to be removed from the database.
 This is the name of the console, file or monitor program.

12  –  NODE node-id

 Identifies the node to which the events apply.  Events will not be
 logged for this source.

13  –  SINK

 Identifies the node where the event logger runs to log the events.
 There are two possibilities:

 NODE node-id    identifies the node at which
                 events are being logged.

 EXECUTOR        identifies the executor node.

 Only events being logged to this node are removed from the
 database.  If this parameter is omitted, the executor node is
 assumed to be the sink node affected.

14  –  Examples


          This command clears logging for all class 2 events to the
          logging file.
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