/sys$common/syshlp/NCLHELP.HLB  —  set  routing  dna_address_format
    Support: End
    Default: True          Value: True or false

    If true, specifies that NSAP addresses are DNA structured, and
    that NSAP address autoconfiguring is possible. If false, this
    specifies that NSAP addresses for this node are constructed
    from the characteristic manual network entity titles and the
    selectors supplied by the transport protocol module (NSP and/or
    OSI transport).

    The DNA address format attribute controls only the interpretation
    of address structuring and no longer controls autoconfiguration.
    To control autoconfiguration, you need to use the manual network
    entity titles attribute by manually adding or removing NETs.

    set [node node-id] routing dna address format boolean


    set routing dna address format true
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