/sys$common/syshlp/NCLHELP.HLB  —  SNA Peer Server Module, SNA LU Services, LU Subentity, create  Characteristics
   Dependent LU    Simplename      Specifies the Transmission Group on
   Transmission                    which the LU acts as a dependent
   Group                           LU.

   Dependent       1-byte          Specifies the LU address on the
   LU Address      decimal         transmission group on which the LU
                                   acts as a dependent LU.

   Maximum         (0-65535)       Specifies the maximum number of
   Active                          sessions allowed on this LU.  If
   Sessions                        this LU is going to support
                                   HP SNA 3270 terminal emulation
                                   or any other application
                                   requiring single sessions on an LU,
                                   set the capacity to 1. Otherwise, you
                                   can set the capacity to 0, indicating
                                   unlimited sessions.  If you later
                                   find that you want to restrict the
                                   number of sessions on this LU, you
                                   can change this characteristic to the
                                   maximum number of sessions you want
                                   to allow.

   Capability      primary   |     Specifies whether this LU can act as
                   secondary |     a primary LU, secondary LU, or both.
                   both            The setting you choose depends on the
                                   capability of the HP SNA
                                   applications that will use this LU.
                                   If this LU is for applications that
                                   emulate a primary LU, set the
                                   capability as primary.  If this LU is
                                   for non-SNA applications that
                                   emulate a secondary LU, set the
                                   capability as secondary.  If you want
                                   this LU to be used for both types of
                                   non-SNA applications, set the
                                   capability to both.

   Object          Simplename      Specifies the name of an SNA
                                   Access Server Object entity that
                                   the SNA Access Server should use
                                   to initiate a connection to an
                                   access routine in response to an
                                   IBM-initiated session request. When
                                   the IBM side requests a session using
                                   this LU, the Peer Server uses the
                                   information provided in the Object
                                   entity to determine how to connect
                                   to the access routine.

   Destination     Simplename      Specifies an optional parameter that
   Unit                            the Peer Server name passes to
                                   HP SNA access routine products
                                   to identify  a resource within the
                                   HP SNA access routine. It applies
                                   to IBM-initiated connections only.
                                   The HP SNA access routine determines
                                   the use of this characteristic.
                                   This characteristic is used in
                                   conjunction with Object
                                   characteristics to identify the
                                   non-SNA resource the Peer Server must
                                   connect to.

   Access          restricted|     Specifies whether SNA LU Services
                   unrestricted    should check authorization when a
                                   non-SNA user or application
                                   accesses this LU. If you set this LU
                                   as restricted, you must also define
                                   the specific authorization
                                   information required by using
                                   Authorization entities, and you must
                                   name those entities in the
                                   Authorization List characteristic
                                   for this LU.

   Authorization   {simple-        Specifies the set of authorization
   List            name[,...]}     entities securing this LU. Each value
                                   in the list is the name of an
                                   Authorization entity that defines a
                                   set of user characteristics. By
                                   associating particular Authorization
                                   entities with this LU, you authorize
                                   the users identified in those
                                   entities to use this LU.  In order to
                                   activate the authorization check, you
                                   must set the access characteristic to

   Old Name        [pu-name]       Specifies an alternative name for
                   session-        this LU, usable by applications that
                   number pair     support only the older style of LU
                                   identification. One application that
                                   uses this older form is the HP SNA
                                   3270 Terminal Emulation product. An
                                   Old Name characteristic must be
                                   defined for a Peer Server LU only
                                   when the application does not support
                                   using an access name for LU
                                   specification. If the name supplied
                                   contains a period (.), you must
                                   enclose it with quotes ("").
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