/sys$common/syshlp/NCLHELP.HLB  —  show  osak
    show  [node node-id] osak  attribute [,attribute...]
                               all [attributes]
                               all characteristics
                               all counters
                               all status


    show osak state, protocol versions

    show osak all

1  –  Characteristics

 o  disconnect timer (OpenVMS)

    Default: 30 seconds    Value: Time in seconds

    Length of time that the OSAK software waits when it expects the
    remote peer to disconnect a transport connection. If the timer
    expires and the remote peer has not disconnected the connection,
    the OSAK software disconnects the connection. You can modify this
    attribute using the set command.

 o  protocol versions

    Default: {ACSE = {1},  Value: Set of protocol versions
    presentation = {1},
    session = {1,2} }

    Specifies the ACSE, presentation and session protocol versions
    being used by the osak entity.

    The full range of possible sets of values is:

       {ACSE = {1}, presentation = {1}, session = {1,2} }
       {ACSE = {1}, presentation = {1}, session = {1} }
       {ACSE = {1}, presentation = {1}, session = {2} }

    You cannot modify this attribute.

2  –  Counters

 o  aborts received

    Number of aborts received by this osak entity
    since its creation.

 o  aborts sent

    Number of aborts sent by this osak entity since
    its creation.

 o  connects accepted

    Number of connection requests accepted by this
    osak entity since its creation.

 o  connects initiated

    Number of connection requests initiated by this
    osak entity since its creation.

 o  connects rejected

    Number of connection requests rejected by this
    osak entity since its creation.

 o  creation time

    Time at which the osak entity was created, in
    binary absolute time format.

 o  releases received

    Number of release requests received by this
    osak entity since its creation.

 o  releases sent

    Number of release requests sent by this osak
    entity since its creation.

 o  unknown ae-titles

    Number of connection requests received that contain an unknown
    application entity title. This counter is incremented each time
    an unknown ae-title event occurs.

 o  unknown invocations

    Number of connection requests received that contain an unknown
    invocation identifier. This counter is incremented each time an
    unknown invocations event occurs.

 o  unknown paddresses

    Number of connection requests received that contain an unknown
    presentation address. This counter is incremented each time an
    unknown paddress event occurs.

3  –  Status

 o  state

    State of the osak entity. The value is one of the following:

    noinbound      osak entity cannot receive inbound association

    notavailable   osak entity is not available

    operational    osak entity is enabled and operational

    shutting       osak entity is shutting down

 o  uid

    Entity's unique identifier, which is generated when the entity is

4  –  application

    show  [node node-id] osak -
      application "presentation address"  attribute [,attribute...]
                                          all [attributes]
                                          all characteristics
                                          all counters
                                          all identifiers
                                          all status


    show osak application *

    show osak application "'0001'H/'0001'H/'0004'H/NS+21,CLNS" all

    show osak application * paddress, ae titles, template

4.1  –  Characteristics

 o  ae titles

    Default: None          Value: See description

    The application entity titles that map to this application's
    presentation address.

 o  startup policy

    Default: Existing      Value: New or existing

    Defines the startup policy for invocations of this application.
    For Tru64 UNIX, the value is always existing. This indicates
    that a listener process must exist for an inbound connection
    to be processed. No new process is started up when an inbound
    connection arrives.

    For OpenVMS, the value is one of the following:

    new        Indicates that, when no process is available to handle
               an inbound connection, a new process is started up.

    existing   Indicates that one process handles all inbound
               connections. No new process is started up if the
               existing process is busy when an inbound connection

    For OpenVMS, you can modify this attribute using the
    set command.

 o  template

    Default: Default OSI   Value: See description
    transport template

    The transport template used for inbound association requests.
    For OpenVMS, you can modify this attribute using the
    set command.

4.2  –  Counters

 o  creation time

    The time at which the application is created.

 o  invalid mode failure

    The number of times that an inbound connection request is
    rejected because of a mismatch of modes. This counter is
    incremented each time an invalid mode event occurs.

    The possible modes are normal and X.410-1984. An application is
    running in normal mode if it uses the upper layers of the OSI
    stack. An application is running in X.410-1984 mode if it does not
    use the upper layers of the OSI stack.

 o  resource failures

    The number of times that an inbound connection request was
    rejected due to insufficient system resources.

 o  total invocations

    The number of times this application has been invoked.

4.3  –  Identifier

 o  paddress

    The presentation address of this OSAK application.

4.4  –  Status

 o  active invocations

    The number of existing invocations of this application.

 o  uid

    Entity's unique identifier, which is generated when the entity is

4.5  –  invocation

    show  [node node-id] osak -
      application "presentation address" -
        invocation invocation-identifier attribute [,attribute...]
                                           all [attributes]
                                           all char (OpenVMS)
                                           all counters
                                           all identifiers
                                           all status


    show osak application "'0001'H/'0001'H/'0004'H/NS+21,CLNS" -
         invocation * all

4.5.1  –  Characteristic (OpenVMS)

 o  startup information

    Invocation startup information that is system-specific. This
    information is needed only for passive applications.

    Refer to the following table for specific startup information:

    Item       Value     Description
    user       name      The username of the process that will
                         respond to connect requests received by
                         this application.

    file       pathname  The name of the file to run to start up the
                         named application. The file is a command
                         file or an executable image that is run
                         each time a passive process starts. HP
                         recommends that you use a command file for
                         this purpose.

    Item       Value     Description
    account    name      The account that is to start the process.

    max resp   integer   The highest permissible number of
                         responders, for an application with the
                         new setting for startup policy.

    password   password  The user's password.

    sversion   {1},      The session version.
               {2}, or

    You can modify the startup information attribute using the
    set command. You can specify the items in any
    order. Note that when you modify this attribute, any item for
    which you do not specify a value is set to its default, not to
    its previous value. For example, you could set up non-default
    values for all four items in this attribute using the following
    NCL command:

    set [node node-id] osak application "presentation address" -
      invocation invocation-identifier -
      startup policy "password=password, username=username, -
      file=file name, sversion=sversion"

    If you then decide to change the value of the password, but to
    keep the non-default values of the other items, you should use
    the following command:

    set [node node-id] osak application "presentation address" -
      invocation invocation-identifier -
      startup policy "password=new password, username=username -
      file=file name, sversion=sversion"

4.5.2  –  Counters

 o  creation time

    Time at which this invocation was registered with OSAK.

 o  total associations

    Number of associations set up to this invocation.

4.5.3  –  Identifier

 o  ids

    The identifier of the invocation. For OpenVMS, you cannot modify
    this attribute.

4.5.4  –  Status

 o  port list

    A list of the OSAK ports referenced by this application
    invocation entity.

 o  state

    The state of the application invocation entity.  For Tru64 UNIX,
    the value is always active.

    For OpenVMS, the value is one of the following:

    active     An active application invocation is using an active

    passive    A passive application invocation is waiting for
               inbound connection requests on its presentation

 o  uid

    Entity's unique identifier, which is generated when the
    entity is created.

5  –  port

    show  [node node-id] osak -
                  port port-id  attribute [,attribute...]
                                all [attributes]
                                all characteristics
                                all counters
                                all identifiers
                                all status


    show osak port *

    show osak port 'A6000000A8701900'H all

5.1  –  Characteristic

 o  template

    Default: Default OSI   Value: See description
    transport template

    The name of the transport template used when establishing an

5.2  –  Counter

 o  creation time

    Time at which the association was set up, in binary absolute
    time format.

5.3  –  Identifier

 o  name

    Simple name assigned to the port when it is created.

5.4  –  Status

 o  application context

    Name of the application context for this association.

 o  connection state

    Specifies the state of an association. This status attribute can
    have one of the following values:

    awaiting associate     A port entity is in this
    confirm                state when waiting for confirmation of an
                           association from a remote peer entity.

    awaiting associate     A port entity is in this
    response               state when waiting for a response from
                           the user application to an association

    awaiting inbound       A port entity is in
    connection             this state when waiting for an association
                           indication from a remote peer entity.

    awaiting redirection   A port entity is in this
                           state when an application has opened a
                           new port to which the association is to be

    connected              A port entity is in this
                           state when an association is set up and
                           data exchange is taking place.

    not connected          A port entity is in this
                           state either after the port is opened but
                           before an association request is received
                           from a remote peer entity, or after an
                           association is closed down but before the
                           port is closed.

    disconnected           A port entity is in this state when the
                           local application has sent a request to
                           release the association, but the remote
                           peer entity has not sent a response.

    redirected             A port entity is in this state after an
                           association has been redirected to another

 o  direction

    Specifies whether an association is inbound (the port was
    opened by a responder) or outbound (the port was opened by an

 o  invocation

    UID of the invocation that opened this port.

 o  local ae title

    Local application entity title.

 o  local ae invocation id

    Local application entity invocation identifier.

 o  local ap invocation id

    Local application process invocation identifier.

 o  local paddress

    Local presentation address.

 o  owner id

    Process id of the OSAK application.

 o  remote ae title

    Remote application entity title.

 o  remote ae invocation id

    Remote application entity invocation identifier.

 o  remote ap invocation id

    Remote application process invocation identifier.

 o  remote paddress

    Remote presentation address.

 o  uid

    Entity's unique identifier, which is generated when the
    entity is created.
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