set [node node-id] x25 protocol group group-name ... Modifies the attributes of an x25 protocol group entity, which specifies a number of DTEs that make up a closed user group (CUG). Modifiable attributes and their data types (in brackets) are: members [set of records] remote dte address [dte-address] type [CUG, BCUG, or CUGOA] rights identifiers [set of simplenames] acl [access-control-list]
1 – members
Default: No DTEs Value: Set of records DTEs at a gateway system that make up the group. Format the values to specify a set of records. Each record consists of a name that identifies an X25 protocol dte entity and an integer (in the range 0 to 9999) that identifies the CUG number assigned by the network. If a DTE is already created and enabled and is then added to the set of members, it must be disabled and re- enabled to service the specified CUG number or BCUG. Example: set x25 protocol group GROUP-0 - members ((dte = dte-1, index = 444), - (dte = dte-0, index = 8787))
2 – remote_dte_address
Default: No DTE Value: DTE-address address DTE address to be associated with this entity for matching x25 access security dte class remote dte entities for both incoming and outgoing calls. This characteristic is only supported if the characteristic type is bcug.
3 – type
Default: BCUG Value: CUG, BCUG, or CUGOA Type of the CUG. cug Normal CUG. bcug Bilateral CUG. cugoa CUGOA outgoing access. Example: set x25 protocol group GROUP-0 type CUG
4 – rights_identifiers
Default: No rights identifiers Value: Set of simple names Set of rights identifiers that this group possesses.
5 – acl
Default: No access Value: Access-control-list control list Access control list that controls access to this group.