1 DELETE Format: DELETE 2 UNIT DELETE UNIT is used to delete UNITs. Irrespective of whether or not the disk is mounted on OpenVMS, you will be prompted for confirmation before proceeding to delete the selected UNIT. Suppose the disk is mounted on OpenVMS node, in addition to the prompting for confirmation, you will also be informed that the disk is mounted. Note: - After a UNIT is deleted, its unit number remains unused until manually assigned to a new UNIT. - Unit numbers are not automatically reassigned when a UNIT is deleted. - If more than one UNIT has been created on a disk/disk group, only the last created UNIT can be deleted. - It is important to maintain a record of the unit numbers and the order in which they are created on a disk/disk group. Format: DELETE UNIT / 3 Parameters Unit_n (the unit number can range from 0-31) 3 Qualifiers /NOCONFIRM Allows the specified unit to be deleted without prompting for confirmation. /VERBOSE Provides logging that can be interpreted by engineering. 3 Examples MSA> DELETE UNIT 4 Command options 4 - the unit to be deleted. This is the same number that was given to the unit when it was created using the ADD UNIT command. In this example, Unit 4 will be deleted. MSA> DELETE UNIT 4/NOCONFIRM Command options 4 - the unit to be deleted. This is the same number that was given to the unit when it was created using the ADD UNIT command. In this example, Unit 4 will be deleted without prompting for confirmation.