Library /sys$common/syshlp/MMS$DW_HELP.HLB  —  mms  sources PopForm, sources help Button
 Use the MMS Generate Description File Sources dialog box to specify
 the input source list to the automatic description file generator.
 These sources will be scanned when generating the description file.

 The right-hand list box contains a list of the possible source files
 to choose from to insert into the Input Source List.  Initially, the
 selection list box lists all the files in the current default directory,
 with the exception of the following types:


 The contents of this box can be limited to particular names and types
 using the filter text field. Any of the above excluded files types can be
 included by specifying the type in the filter text field.

 Files may be selected from a different directory or from a CMS library
 by clicking the corresponding radio button.

 Any file in the right-hand list box that is double-clicked is inserted
 into the left-hand list box.  The left arrow button can also be used
 for moving a file from the right-hand box to the left-hand box.  Clicking
 the All button will move all the sources listed in the right-hand box to
 the left-hand box.

 The top-most source in the left-hand list box specifies the source for
 the target of the complete build.  If a target is not specified in the
 MMS Description File Generator box, the top-most source name will be
 used for the target name.  Files can be removed from the list or moved
 up in the list by means of the right arrow or Main button (which are
 displayed when a file is highlighted).
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