Library /sys$common/syshlp/MMS$DW_HELP.HLB  —  mms  linklib PopForm, sel lib Lst
 The Additional Link Libraries Selection list box specifies the list of
 additional link libraries to choose from to add to the left-hand list box.

 By default, the list will contain files with the file type .OLB which are
 found in the current default directory.

 If there are Additional Link Libraries defined for the current context, they
 will be reflected when the dialog box come up, and they will take precedence
 over the default initialization.

 Files can be moved to the left-hand list in three ways:

     o double-click on a file specification

     o highlight a file specification, then click on the left arrow button

     o click on the All button, which will move all the files from the
        right-hand box to the left-hand box
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