Library /sys$common/syshlp/MMS$DW_HELP.HLB  —  mms  linklib PopForm
 Use the Select Additional Link Libraries dialog box to specify the
 additional object libraries to be included in the LINK command in the
 generated description file.

 If the value for additional link libraries is defined in the current context,
 the dialog box will reflect the context value.

1  –  add lib Lst

 The Additional Link Libraries list box specifies the possible list of
 additional link libraries that will be included in the LINK command
 of the generated description file.  The OK button must be clicked for
 the list to be saved.

 Files are added to the list from the right-hand list box.  Files can be
 removed from the list by means of arrow button (which is displayed when
 a file is highlighted).

2  –  lib all Btn

 Click on this button to move all the files listed in the right-hand list
 box to the left-hand list box.

3  –  lib left arrow Btn

 Click on this button to move the highlighted file from the right-hand list
 box to the left-hand list box.

4  –  lib up arrow Btn

 Click this button to move the highlighted file to the top of the left-hand
 list box.

5  –  lib right arrow Btn

 Click this button to remove the highlighted file from the left-hand list box.

6  –  sel lib Lst

 The Additional Link Libraries Selection list box specifies the list of
 additional link libraries to choose from to add to the left-hand list box.

 By default, the list will contain files with the file type .OLB which are
 found in the current default directory.

 If there are Additional Link Libraries defined for the current context, they
 will be reflected when the dialog box come up, and they will take precedence
 over the default initialization.

 Files can be moved to the left-hand list in three ways:

     o double-click on a file specification

     o highlight a file specification, then click on the left arrow button

     o click on the All button, which will move all the files from the
        right-hand box to the left-hand box

7  –  lib filter Txt

 The filter is used to specify a mask to filter which file names are listed.

 Click on the Filter button to filter the selection box list.

8  –  lib Radio

 Click on one of the sources areas in the Source radio box
 to specify where the files listed in the selection list box should
 come from.

 You can go from directory to directory to list selection files from.

9  –  lib context dir Tgl

 Click on this button to indicate that sources should be listed from the
 default directory specified for the current context.

10  –  lib curr dir Tgl

 Click on this button to indicate that sources should be listed from the
 current default directory.

11  –  lib other dir Tgl

 Click on this button to indicate that sources should be listed from a
 specified directory.  The field to the right is used to specify the other
 directory to list from.

12  –  lib other dir Btn

 Click on Other Directory... to open a dialog box for specifying
 the directory to list from.

13  –  lib other dir Txt

 Use this field to specify the directory to list from.

14  –  linklib ok Button

 Click on the button to save the current Additional Link Libraries List for
 any subsequent description file generation.

15  –  linklib cancel Button

 Click on the button to cancel the current Additional Link Libraries
 List settings.

16  –  linklib reset Button

 Click on the button to reset the dialog box settings to the way they were
 when the box was entered.

17  –  linklib filter Button

 Click on the button to apply the filter mask defined in the Filter field
 to the specified directory, and the appropriate object library files are
 listed in the Selection list box.

18  –  linklib help Button

 Use the Additional Link Libraries dialog box to specify any additional
 object libraries that should be included in the LINK command generated by
 the automatic description file generator.

 The right-hand list box contains a list of the possible library files
 to choose from to insert into the Additional Link Libraries List.
 Initially, the selection list box lists all the .OLB files in the current
 default directory.  But, there is the option of picking a different
 directory to list the files from.  These options are available by clicking
 the corresponding radio button.

 Any file in the right-hand list box that is double-clicked is inserted
 into the left-hand list box.  The left arrow button can also be used
 for moving a file from the right-hand box to the left-hand box.  Clicking
 the All button will move all the libraries listed in the right-hand box to
 the left-hand box.

 Library files can be removed from or up in the left-hand list by means of
 arrow buttons (which are displayed when a file is highlighted).

 If there are Additional Link Library settings defined for the current context,
 they will be reflected when the dialog box come up.

 If the /LINK_LIBRARY qualifier has been specified when invoking
 MMS/GENERATE, the dialog box will reflect the qualifier values, and they will
 take precedence over the context settings.
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