Library /sys$common/syshlp/MMS$DW_HELP.HLB  —  mms  io options PopForm
 Use the Input/Output Options box to specify input or output options for any
 subsequent build.

1  –  input label Lab

 The buttons and text fields following this label are used for specifying
 input files for any subsequent build.

2  –  desc Tgl

 Click on the button to specify an MMS description file for any subsequent build.

3  –  desc file Btn

 Click on this button to bring up a file selection dialog box to specify
 the MMS description file.

4  –  desc file Txt

 Enter the file specification of the MMS description file.
 If the file selection box is used, this field will be filled in with
 the chosen file.

5  –  changed Tgl

 Click on the button to direct MMS to treat only the specified sources as
 having been changed, regardless of their actual modification times.  No
 date checking is performed at all;  MMS simply rebuilds any targets that
 depend on one or more of the specified sources.

6  –  changed sources Btn

 Click on this button to bring up the Changed Sources dialog box to specify
 the source files to be regarded as changed.

7  –  changed sources Txt

 Enter the file specifications of the source files to be regarded as
 changed. If more than one source is indicated, use comma-separated list.
 If the  Changed Sources dialog box is used, this field will be filled
 in with the chosen files.

8  –  output label Lab

 The buttons and text fields following this label are for specifying
 output files for any subsequent build.

9  –  list Tgl

 Click on the button to direct MMS to write dependencies and action lines to
 an output file as it processes the description file.

10  –  list file Btn

 Click on this button to bring up a file selection dialog box to specify
 the list file.

11  –  list file Txt

 Enter the file specification of the List file.
 If the file selection box is used, this field will be filled in with
 the chosen file.

12  –  output Tgl

 Click on the button to direct MMS to write action lines and output to the
 specified file.

13  –  output file Btn

 Click on this button to bring up a file selection dialog box to specify
 the Output file.

14  –  output file Txt

 Enter the file specification of the Output file.
 If the file selection box is used, this field will be filled in with
 the chosen file.

15  –  log Tgl

 Click on the button to direct MMS to display informational messages as it
 processes the description file.

16  –  io options ok Button

 Click on the button to save the current Input/Output Options settings for any
 subsequent build.

17  –  io options can Button

 Click on the button to cancel the current Input/Output Options settings.

18  –  io options help Button

 Use the Input/Output Options dialog box to define options for any subsequent

 The default values of the options will be reflected when the dialog box comes

 If there are Input/Output Options settings defined for the current context,
 they will be reflected when the dialog box come up, and they will take
 precedence over the default settings.

 If qualifiers have been specified when invoking MMS, the Input/Output Options
 settings will reflect the qualifier values, and they will take precedence over
 the context settings.
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