Library /sys$common/syshlp/MMS$DW_HELP.HLB  —  mms  genfile PopForm
 Use the Description File Generator box to specify input for the automatic
 description file generator.

1  –  gen descfile Txt

 Enter the file specification for the generated description file.

2  –  sources Btn

 Click on Sources... to bring up a dialog box for specifying input sources
 to be scanned for dependencies when generating the description file.

3  –  scan Tgl

 Click on the button to indicate that C include files should be scanned
 for dependencies when generating the description file.

4  –  builtin Tgl

 Click on the button to indicate that built-in rules are to be used; no
 compilation action lines will be included when generating the description file.

5  –  gen target Txt

 Enter the build target name.

6  –  obj lib Btn

 Click on Object Library... to bring up a dialog box for specifying
 the object library to be included in the LINK command in the generated
 description file.  Object files from the build compilations are inserted
 in this object library.

7  –  obj lib Txt

 Enter the file specification for the object library to be included in
 the generated description file LINK command.

 If the file selection box is used, this field will be filled in with
 the chosen file.

8  –  link lib Btn

 Click on Additional Link Libraries... to bring up a dialog box for specifying
 any additional object libraries to be included in the LINK command in the
 generated description file.

9  –  opt file Btn

 Click on Options Files... to bring up a dialog box for specifying
 any options files to be included in the LINK command in the generated
 description file.

10  –  compile sw Txt

 Enter any compilation switches that should be added to every compile
 command in the generated description file.  These must be exactly
 what would be added to the command; i. e. they should include the
 slash (/) character.  No checking is done to ensure the proper command
 is created.

11  –  link sw Txt

 Enter any switches that should be added to the LINK command in the
 generated description file.  These must be exactly what would be added
 to the command; i. e. they should include the slash (/) character.
 No checking is done to ensure the proper command is created.

12  –  genfile gen Button

 Click on the button to save the settings indicated in the dialog box
 and to start generation of the description file.

13  –  genfile cancel Button

 Click on the button to cancel the current dialog box settings and to
 simply exit out of the dialog box without proceeding with the description
 file generation.

14  –  genfile help Button

 Use the MMS Generate Description File dialog box to specify input to the
 automatic description file generator.

 If qualifiers have been specified when invoking MMS, the dialog box settings
 will reflect the qualifier values.
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