MIME will work properly with command procedures and in BATCH mode provided the following guidelines are utilized. When a foreign symbol is used to invoke MIME, for example, $ MIME :== $SYS$SYSTEM:MIME.EXE a file name can be provided as a parameter to MIME. But, MIME will OPEN that file for READ access only. No file modifications will be allowed. The NEW command creates a MIME message and by default, opens a text editor for editing or composing that MIME message. MIME invokes the editor defined in the user's MAIL profile by the MAIL SET EDIT command. The /[NO]EDIT="edit/teco" qualifier allows manipulating this default behavior. Use NEW/NOEDIT to disable starting the editor. Use /EDIT="edit/edt" to override the editor specified by the MAIL profile. Please see the NEW and EDIT command for more information. An alternative is the OPEN/DRAFT command. This allows modifying a previously processed MIME text file that was saved with MIME and includes the MIME headers. This file can be blank or contain text and possibly originated with the NEW command. Now other attachments (or message parts) can be added to the basic MIME message structure with ADD command.