Library /sys$common/syshlp/MAILHELP.HLB  —  Getting Started, SEND
    1.MAIL> SEND
      To: PIERCE
      Subj: Sailing
      Enter your message below.  Press Ctrl/Z when complete, Ctrl/C to quit:

      This example demonstrates the SEND command.

      Try sending a message to yourself. Enter the SEND command at
      the MAIL> prompt and press Return. Enter your own user name at
      the To: prompt and press Return. Enter a subject when prompted
      and press Return again.

      When you finish entering the text of your message, press
      Ctrl/Z. Because you are sending the message to yourself, Mail
      displays a message that you have received new mail. The message
      displayed is similar to the following:

      New mail on node FLAXEN from PIERCE.
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