Library /sys$common/syshlp/MAILHELP.HLB  —  DEFINE  Parameters

    Specifies the name of the key you are defining. Use the following
    key names when defining keys:

    Key Name       VT100          VT52           LK201

    PF1            PF1            red key        PF1
    PF2            PF2            blue key       PF2
    PF3            PF3            black key      PF3
    PF4            PF4            -              PF4
    KP0, KP1-KP9   keypad 0-9     keypad 0-9     keypad 0-9
    Period         period key     period key     period key
    Comma          comma key      comma key      comma key
    Minus          minus key      minus key      minus key
    Enter          ENTER key      ENTER key      ENTER key
    E1,E2          -              -              Find,Insert Here
    E3,E4          -              -              Remove,Select
    E5             -              -              Previous Screen
    E6             -              -              Next Screen
    Help,Do        -              -              Help(15), Do(16)
    F17-F20        -              -              Function Keys


       You cannot redefine the arrow keys or the function keys F1
       to F14.


    Specifies the string you want entered when you press the defined
    key. "String" can be a Mail command, for example, DIRECTORY or
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