1 SET-SHOW The SET command is used with other commands to define or change characteristics of the Mail utility. The SHOW command displays information about the characteristics. You can display all of your settings by entering the SHOW command with the /ALL qualifier. 2 AUTO_PURGE Determines whether Mail empties the WASTEBASKET folder when you enter the EXIT or SET FILE command. When you use the SET NOAUTO_ PURGE command, you must enter the PURGE command periodically to delete the messages in the WASTEBASKET folder. If you have disabled automatic purging, you should also enter the PURGE /RECLAIM or COMPRESS commands periodically to release deleted message space. The default you establish with the SET AUTO_PURGE command remains in effect until you enter the SET NOAUTO_PURGE command. The SHOW AUTO_PURGE command indicates whether you have used the SET AUTO_PURGE command. Formats SET AUTO_PURGE SET NOAUTO_PURGE SHOW AUTO_PURGE 3 Examples 1.MAIL> SET AUTO_PURGE MAIL> SHOW AUTO_PURGE Automatic deleted message purge is enabled. This example shows how to use the SET AUTO_PURGE command to enable Mail to delete the messages in the WASTEBASKET folder every time you enter the EXIT command or the SET FILE command. The SHOW AUTO_PURGE command displays whether automatic purging is enabled. 2 CC_PROMPT Sets the default for determining whether the copy (CC:) prompt appears when sending a message. Formats SET CC_PROMPT SET NOCC_PROMPT SHOW CC_PROMPT 3 Example MAIL> SET CC_PROMPT MAIL> SEND To: Smith CC: Jones Subject: This example shows how to set the copy prompt. A copy of the message is sent to JONES. 2 COPY_SELF Sets the default for determining whether the SEND, REPLY, or FORWARD commands return to the sender a copy of the message being sent. By specifying the NOSEND, NOREPLY, or NOFORWARD keywords with the SET COPY_SELF command, you can clear any default copying you have established with the SET COPY_SELF command. The SHOW COPY_SELF command displays which commands (SEND, REPLY, or FORWARD) automatically send a copy of the message to you. Format SET COPY_SELF command [,command] SHOW COPY_SELF 3 Parameter command The command parameters can be any of the following: SEND, NOSEND, REPLY, NOREPLY, FORWARD, or NOFORWARD. You can use NOSEND, NOREPLY, and NOFORWARD to reverse previous settings of SEND, REPLY, or FORWARD. 3 Examples 1.MAIL> SHOW COPY_SELF Automatic copies to yourself are disabled This example shows the message Mail displays when you have not used the SET COPY_SELF command and you enter the SHOW COPY_SELF command. 2.MAIL> SET COPY_SELF SEND, REPLY MAIL> SHOW COPY_SELF Automatic copy to yourself on SEND, REPLY This example shows how to use the SET COPY_SELF command to enable copies of mail messages you send to be returned back to you. The SHOW COPY_SELF command indicates that you have enabled automatic copying when you enter the SEND or REPLY commands. 2 EDITOR By default, the TPU-based EVE editor is invoked when you isssue the EDIT command. You can use the SET EDITOR command to select a different editor to edit messages and files. The SHOW EDITOR command displays the name of the editor. Formats SET EDITOR editor-name SHOW EDITOR 3 Parameter editor-name Indicates the name of the editor. You can use any callable editor available on your system. 3 Example MAIL> SHOW EDITOR Your editor is TPU MAIL> SET EDITOR EDT MAIL> SHOW EDITOR Your editor is EDT MAIL> SEND/EDIT To: WHITE::STAFFORD Subject: Manufacturing Office This example shows how to change the editor from the default TPU EVE editor to the EDT editor. Enter the command SEND /EDIT to edit the text of a message. Send the message by pressing Ctrl/Z. 2 FILE Establishes (or opens) another file as the current mail file. By default, your mail file is MAIL.MAI. Use the COPY command, the FILE command, or the MOVE command to create other mail files (for example, JOKES.MAI or HISTORY.MAI). You can then use the SET FILE command to open the mail files. When you enter the SET FILE command, the WASTEBASKET folder of the current mail file is emptied (if AUTO_PURGE is set), the file is closed, and the specified (alternate) file is opened. The SHOW FILE command displays the name of the mail file that is currently open. Format SET FILE file-name SHOW FILE 3 Parameter file-name Indicates the name of the mail file you are opening. 3 Examples 1.MAIL> SHOW FILE Your current mail file is DISK$:[ARAS]MAIL.MAI;2 MAIL> 2 MAIL> COPY _Folder: LIMERICKS _FILE: JOKES File DISK$:[ARAS]JOKES.MAI; does not exist. Do you want to create it (Y/N, default is N)? y %MAIL-S-CREATED, DISK$:[ARAS]JOKES.MAI;1 created MAIL> SET FILE JOKES MAIL> SHOW FILE Your current mail file is DISK$:[ARAS]JOKES.MAI This example demonstrates how to use the SHOW FILE command to display the name of the mail file that is currently open (MAIL.MAI). The COPY command creates a new folder (LIMERICKS) and a new mail file (JOKES) and copies message 2. The SET FILE command opens the mail file named JOKES.MAI that you just created. Note that you must be reading a message to copy it or you get the following message: %MAIL-E-NOTREADIN, you aren't reading a message. 2 FOLDER Establishes a set of messages that you can affect as a group. You can copy or move this set of messages from one folder to another. You can also read, delete, search or extract a set of messages. After you enter the SET FOLDER command, you can use the following commands to affect the selected messages: COPY DELETE DIRECTORY EXTRACT FILE MOVE READ SEARCH For more information on the above commands, enter HELP command at the MAIL> prompt. You can also use the SET FOLDER command to move from one folder to another. If you use the SET FOLDER command to move to a folder that does not exist, Mail displays the following message: %MAIL-E-NOTEXIST, folder "foldername" does not exist The SHOW FOLDER command displays the current folder name. You cannot specify any parameters or qualifiers with this command. Format SET FOLDER [foldername] SHOW FOLDER 3 Parameter foldername When using SET FOLDER, specifies the name of the folder from which messages will be selected. If you omit the folder name when specifying SET FOLDER, the folder used is determined in the following order: 1. The current folder is used, if any (unless the /NEW qualifier is specified). 2. The NEWMAIL folder is used if: o You specify the /NEW qualifier. o You omit selection qualifiers and you have new mail. 3. The MAIL folder is used. 3 Qualifiers /BEFORE /BEFORE=date Selects all the mail messages received before the specified date. If you do not specify a date, Mail selects all of the mail messages received before the current day (today). You can also specify the keywords YESTERDAY and TODAY. For example, the command SET FOLDER/BEFORE=YESTERDAY would select all mail messages received before yesterday. /CC_SUBSTRING /CC_SUBSTRING=text Selects messages containing the specified text in the CC: field of the message, where the specified text is usually a node name or user name. /FROM_SUBSTRING /FROM_SUBSTRING=text Selects messages containing the specified text in the From: field of the message, where the specified text is usually a node name or user name. This command searches only the node name and user name of the sender; it does not search the personal name field. /MARKED /MARKED /NOMARKED Selects messages that have been marked. The /NOMARKED qualifier selects messages that are not marked. /NEW Selects the NEWMAIL folder and displays new mail messages received while you are in Mail. If there are no new messages, Mail displays the message "%MAIL-W-NONEWMAIL, no new messages". When a mail file other than your default mail file is open, Mail closes the file and opens your default mail file. /REPLIED /REPLIED /NOREPLIED Selects messages that have been replied to with the REPLY command. The /NOREPLIED qualifier selects messages to which you have not replied. /SINCE /SINCE=date Selects all of the mail messages received on or after the specified date. The format for the date is dd-mmm-yyyy. If you do not specify a date, Mail selects all of the mail messages received on the current day. You can also specify the keywords YESTERDAY and TODAY. For example, the command SET FOLDER SINCE=YESTERDAY would select all mail messages received since yesterday. /SUBJECT_SUBSTRING /SUBJECT_SUBSTRING=text Selects messages containing the specified text in the Subj: field of the message. /TO_SUBSTRING /TO_SUBSTRING=text Selects messages containing the specified text in the To: field of the message, where the specified text is usually a node name or user name. The /TO_SUBSTRING qualifier will not search the personal name field. 3 Examples 1.MAIL> DIRECTORY/FOLDERS Listing of folders in DISK$APEX:[HARRINGTON]MAIL.MAI;1 Press Ctrl/C to cancel listing MAIL NEWMAIL WASTEBASKET CLASSES MAIL> SET FOLDER WASTEBASKET %MAIL-I-SELECTED, 3 messages selected MAIL> DIRECTORY WASTEBASKET # From Date Subject 1 MORRIS 19-DEC-1994 Venus Fly Traps 2 MORRIS 21-DEC-1994 The Aloe 3 BURT 22-DEC-1994 Scales This example shows how to use the SET FOLDER command to move from the MAIL folder to the WASTEBASKET folder. 2.MAIL> SET FOLDER/BEFORE=12-DEC-1994 %MAIL-I-SELECTED, 2 messages selected MAIL> DIRECTORY MAIL # From Date Subject 1 MARTY 10-DEC-1994 Food 2 BART 11-DEC-1994 Soup This example shows how to display all the mail messages received before December 12, 1994. 3.MAIL> SET FOLDER/NEW This example shows how to select all the new (unread) mail messages. Because NEWMAIL is the implied folder name, you do not need to specify a folder name. 2 FORM The SET FORM command sets the default print form field in the user profile. The print form is changed only for printing done within the Mail utility. The SET NOFORM command clears the default print form. See your system manager for valid forms on your system or enter the DCL command SHOW QUEUE/FORM. Format SET FORM form-name SET NOFORM SHOW FORM 3 Parameter form-name Indicates the name of the default form to be used. See your system manager for valid forms on your system or enter the DCL command SHOW QUEUE/FORM. 3 Examples 1.MAIL> SET FORM 80_COL MAIL> SHOW FORM Your default print form is 80_COL This example shows how to set your default print form to 80_ COL. Enter the SHOW FORM command to verify your default print form. 2 FORWARD Sets a forwarding address for your mail. After you enter the SET FORWARD command, the address you specify will receive mail messages. The default you establish with the SET FORWARD command remains in effect until you enter the SET NOFORWARD command. The SHOW FORWARD command displays the name of the specified forwarding address. If you have SYSNAM privilege, you can set and show forwarding addresses for other users. Format SET FORWARD address SET NOFORWARD SHOW FORWARD 3 Parameter address Indicates the address (NODE::USERNAME) to which your mail is forwarded. 3 Qualifiers /ALL The /ALL qualifier lists forwarding information or displays a message if the specified user does not have forwarding enabled. You must have SYSNAM privilege to use the /ALL qualifier. The /ALL qualifier is valid only when used with the /USER qualifier. /USER /USER=user-name Indicates the name of another user for whom you are setting or showing a forwarding address. You can use the /USER qualifier only if you have SYSNAM privilege. With the SHOW FORWARD command, there are two ways to show a user's forwarding address: you can specify the user name or you can use the wildcard characters (* or %) to search for names with a particular string in common. By default length of the user name is 31 characters long. Set Bit 5 of DCL_CTLFLAGS to avail this longer user name length of 255 characters long. NOTE Once this bit is set, user name length is set to maximum of 255 characters long. Even if this bit is cleared, the behavior remains unchanged, that is, supports user name length of 255 characters long, but there is no way to reset it to 31 characters long. 3 Examples 1.MAIL> SET FORWARD NEXUS::LARS MAIL> SHOW FORWARD Your mail is being forwarded to NEXUS::LARS. MAIL> This example shows how a user named LARS establishes a forwarding address on node NEXUS with the SET FORWARD command and displays the forwarding address with the SHOW FORWARD command. 2.MAIL> SHOW FORWARD/ALL/USER=C* Username Forwarding address CARTON VIOLET::CARTON COLLINS None CRUTHERS GREEN::CRUTHERS CULLIN GRAY::CULLIN This example shows a wildcard search for all users whose names begin with the letter C. Because the /ALL qualifier has been specified, all users are listed, even if they have not entered a forwarding address. This is the case for user COLLINS. Because COLLINS has not specified a forwarding address, None appears under the Forwarding address heading. 3.MAIL> SHOW FORWARD/USER=BENNETT BENNETT has not set a forwarding address. This example shows how to display the forwarding address of user BENNETT. Because BENNETT has not set a forwarding address, the message is output. 2 MAIL_DIRECTORY Specifies that all .MAI files be moved from your SYS$LOGIN directory to the specified subdirectory. The SET NOMAIL_DIRECTORY command specifies that all .MAI files be moved from the subdirectory back to your SYS$LOGIN directory. The SHOW MAIL_DIRECTORY command displays the name of the device and directory containing all your .MAI files. Format SET MAIL_DIRECTORY [.subdirectory-name] SET NOMAIL_DIRECTORY SHOW MAIL_DIRECTORY 3 Parameter [.subdirectory-name] Specifies the name of the subdirectory in your SYS$LOGIN directory to which all .MAI files are to be moved. 3 Qualifier /LOG Displays a listing of the .MAI files moved from the previous directory to the specified subdirectory. 3 Examples 1.$ SHOW TRANSLATION SYS$LOGIN SYS$LOGIN = "DISK$:[DALTON]" (LNM$PROCESS_TABLE) . . . MAIL> SHOW MAIL_DIRECTORY Your mail file directory is DISK$:[DALTON] MAIL> SET MAIL_DIRECTORY [.MAIL] %MAIL-I-CREATED, DISK$:[DALTON.MAIL] created MAIL> SHOW MAIL_DIRECTORY Your mail file directory is DISK$:[DALTON.MAIL] . . . $ SET DEFAULT [DALTON.MAIL] $ DIRECTORY This example shows how to create a subdirectory containing all your .MAI files. The DCL command SHOW TRANSLATION displays the logical name for your default top-level directory, SYS$LOGIN. 2 PERSONAL_NAME Enables you to append a field to the end of the From: field of mail messages you send. You can fill this field with your full name or any other information. The SET NOPERSONAL_NAME command clears any name you previously specified with the SET PERSONAL_NAME command. The SHOW PERSONAL_NAME command displays a user's personal name. Format SET PERSONAL_NAME "text-string" SET NOPERSONAL_NAME SHOW PERSONAL_NAME 3 Parameter "text-string" Specifies the string following your node name and user name for the From: field of mail messages you send. You must enclose the string in quotation marks; otherwise, Mail converts it to uppercase letters. You must begin the string with an alphabetic character and avoid two consecutive embedded spaces within the string. The length of the text string should not exceed 127 characters. 3 Qualifiers /ALL Used with the SHOW PERSONAL_NAME command to allow a user with SYSNAM privilege to list personal name information set by other users or to display a message if a user has not entered a personal name. The /ALL qualifier is valid only when used with the /USER qualifier and works only with the SHOW PERSONAL_NAME command. /USER /USER=name Used with the SHOW PERSONAL_NAME command to allow a user with SYSNAM privilege to list personal names set by other users. There are two ways to show a user's personal name. The user name can be specified, or you can use the wildcard characters (* or %) to search for names with a particular string in common. The /USER qualifier works only with the SHOW PERSONAL_NAME command and not with the SET PERSONAL_NAME command. 3 Examples 1.MAIL> SET PERSONAL_NAME "Catherine the Great" . . . MAIL> SEND . . . New mail on node FLAXEN from ALPHA::BELLINI "Catherine the Great" . . . From: ALPHA::BELLINI "Catherine the Great" 19-APR-1994 15:34 To: FLAXEN::STARCK This example shows how a user named BELLINI sets her personal name to Catherine the Great. 2.MAIL> SHOW PERSONAL_NAME/ALL/USER=A*N Username Fullname ACKEN Joe Joe ANDERSEN Hans Christian ARON None This example shows a wildcard search for users whose names begin with A and end with N. Because user ARON has not entered a personal name, None appears under the Fullname heading. 3.MAIL> SHOW PERSONAL_NAME/USER=NELSON NELSON has not set a personal name. This example shows how to display the personal name of user NELSON. Because NELSON has not set a personal name, the message is displayed. 2 QUEUE The SET QUEUE command sets the default print queue field in the user profile. When you enter the PRINT command, your job is sent to the print queue you have defined with the SET QUEUE command. See your system manager for the print queues available on your system. The queue is changed only for printing done within the Mail utility. SET NOQUEUE clears the previously defined print queue and sets the queue to SYS$PRINT, the default print queue. The SHOW QUEUE command shows your default print queue. Format SET QUEUE queue-name SET NOQUEUE SHOW QUEUE 3 Parameter queue-name Indicates the name of the default queue to be used. 3 Examples 1.MAIL> SHOW QUEUE Your default print queue is SYS$PRINT MAIL> SET QUEUE LMNO$PRINT Your default print queue is LMNO$PRINT. MAIL> 4 MAIL> PRINT MAIL> exit Job MAIL (queue LMNO$PRINT, entry 22) started on LMNO$PRINT MAIL> SET NOQUEUE Your default print queue is SYS$PRINT. This example shows how to set your default print queue to LMNO$PRINT and send a message to the new default queue. The SET NOQUEUE command clears the previously defined queue and sets the queue to SYS$PRINT, the default. 2 SIGNATURE_FILE The SET SIGNATURE_FILE command enables you to automatically append a file to the end of a mail message whenever you use the ANSWER, FORWARD, MAIL, REPLY, or SEND command. An example of a signature file is a text file formatted as business card, containing the user's company name, address, telephone, and Internet address. The SHOW SIGNATURE_FILE command shows whether you have specified a default signature file and displays the name of that file. (The SHOW ALL command also displays signature file information.) The SET NOSIGNATURE_FILE command disables the default setting. No signature file will be appended automatically to any mail messages until you re-enter the SET SIGNATURE_FILE command. If you want to temporarily disable or override (to append a different signature file) the default setting only while sending a particular mail message, use the /SIGNATURE_FILE or /NOSIGNATURE_FILE qualifier with the ANSWER, FORWARD, MAIL, REPLY, or SEND command. You can also set, disable, or override the default signature file at the DCL level by using the /SIGNATURE_FILE or /NOSIGNATURE_FILE qualifier with the DCL command MAIL. Note that when you create a mail message that includes a signature file, that message requires more temporary disk space than a conventional message because temporary files are created during the operation. After the message is sent, those temporary files are deleted. Format SET SIGNATURE_FILE file-name SET NOSIGNATURE_FILE SHOW SIGNATURE_FILE 3 Parameter file-name Specifies the name of the default signature file (text) that will be appended to each mail message. When specifying the signature file name, note the following: o If you do not specify a file type, the default is .SIG. o If you do not specify a directory, the Mail utility will search for the signature file in your mail directory. 3 Examples 1.MAIL> SET SIGNATURE_FILE BUSINESS_CARD.SIG In this example, the user specifies that the file BUSINESS_CARD.SIG is to be appended to every mail message sent using the FORWARD, MAIL, REPLY, or SEND command. 2.MAIL> SHOW SIGNATURE_FILE Your default signature file is BUSINESS_CARD.SIG. This example shows how to use the SHOW SIGNATURE_FILE command to determine if a signature file is currently set. 2 WASTEBASKET_NAME Enables you to change the name of the WASTEBASKET folder. The WASTEBASKET folder contains messages selected to be deleted. You can delete all the messages in the WASTEBASKET folder by entering either the PURGE command or by entering the EXIT command if AUTO_PURGE is set. You can avoid deleting messages in the WASTEBASKET folder by entering the QUIT command or by setting NOAUTO_PURGE. When you change the name of a WASTEBASKET folder while it contains deleted messages, these deleted messages move to the newly named WASTEBASKET folder. The SHOW WASTEBASKET_NAME command displays the name of the WASTEBASKET folder. Format SET WASTEBASKET_NAME foldername SHOW WATEBASKET_NAME 3 Parameter foldername Indicates the name that replaces the name WASTEBASKET for the folder containing deleted messages. You can use any alphanumeric string for the new WASTEBASKET folder name except MAIL or NEWMAIL. A folder name can be 1 to 39 characters in length. Valid characters for folder names are alphanumeric characters, dollar signs ($), and underscores (_). If your folder name contains lowercase letters, spaces, or special characters, the folder name must be enclosed in quotation marks. 3 Examples 1.MAIL> SET WASTEBASKET_NAME GARBAGE MAIL> SHOW WASTEBASKET_NAME The wastebasket folder name is GARBAGE. This example shows how to change and display the name of the WASTEBASKET folder.