1 LAST Displays the last message in the selected set. Format LAST 2 Qualifier /EDIT Invokes a text editor. Unless you have selected a different editor, the TPU-based EVE editor is invoked. Use the editor to peruse the last message. When you are done, enter the appropriate command to quit from your editor. If you decide to edit the message and want to keep a copy of the newly edited message, enter the appropriate command to exit from your editor (use the EXIT command with the EVE editor) and supply a file name. /PAGE /PAGE[=keyword] /NOPAGE (default) Controls the display of information on the screen. You can use the following keywords with the /PAGE qualifier: CLEAR_SCREEN Clears the screen before each page is displayed. SCROLL Displays information one line at a time. SAVE[=n] Enables screen navigation of information, where n is the number of pages to store. The /PAGE qualifier allows you to navigate through a maximum of 5 screens containing up to 255 columns of information. When you use the /PAGE qualifier, you can use the following keys as well: Key Sequence Description Up arrow (^ ), Ctrl/B Scroll up one line. Down arrow (v ) Scroll down one line. Left arrow (< - ) Scroll left one column. Right arrow (- > ) Scroll right one column. Find (E1) Specify a string to find where the information is displayed. Insert Here (E2) Scroll right one half screen. Remove (E3) Scroll left one half screen. Select (E4) Toggle 80/132 column mode. Prev Screen (E5) Get the previous page of information. Next Screen (E6), Get the next page of information. Return, Enter, Space F10, Ctrl/Z Exit. Do (F16) Toggle the display to oldest/newest page. Ctrl/W Refresh the display.