1 Getting_Started To become familiar with the Mail utility, use the commands discussed in the following examples. These commands enable you to move around within the Mail utility. Some of these examples contain brief exercises to assist you in getting started using the Mail utility. The following commands are discussed in the examples: SEND READ[/NEW] FORWARD REPLY DIRECTORY DELETE MOVE SELECT EXTRACT PRINT HELP EXIT For complete information on these commands, enter the HELP command followed by the command name at the MAIL> prompt. 2 SEND 1.MAIL> SEND To: PIERCE Subj: Sailing Enter your message below. Press Ctrl/Z when complete, Ctrl/C to quit: This example demonstrates the SEND command. Try sending a message to yourself. Enter the SEND command at the MAIL> prompt and press Return. Enter your own user name at the To: prompt and press Return. Enter a subject when prompted and press Return again. When you finish entering the text of your message, press Ctrl/Z. Because you are sending the message to yourself, Mail displays a message that you have received new mail. The message displayed is similar to the following: New mail on node FLAXEN from PIERCE. 2 READ 1.MAIL> READ/NEW This example shows how to use the READ command. To read the message that you sent to yourself in the SEND command example, enter the READ command with the /NEW qualifier and press Return. You must specify the /NEW qualifier with the READ command when you want to read new mail that arrives while you are in the Mail utility. When you are not in the Mail utility and you receive new mail, invoke Mail to read the new message. When reading messages in the NEWMAIL folder, if you wish to read a new message that you have already read, you can enter the READ command without the /NEW qualifier. 2 FORWARD 1.MAIL> FORWARD To: PIERCE This example shows the FORWARD command. You can forward a copy of a mail message to another user by entering the FORWARD command at the MAIL> prompt. You are prompted for the name of the user to receive the message. Try forwarding a copy of the message you just received back to yourself. Enter your own user name and press Return. Supply a subject when prompted and press Return. You will be signaled that you have just received a new message. Enter the READ/NEW command to read the forwarded message. 2 REPLY 1.MAIL> REPLY To: FLAXEN::PIERCE Subject: Re: Using the REPLY command Enter your message below. Press Ctrl/Z when complete, Ctrl/C to quit: This example shows how to use the REPLY command. When you receive a message and want to respond to it, enter the REPLY command at the MAIL> prompt and press Return. Mail displays the header information automatically, as shown in this example. When you finish typing your response, press Ctrl/Z. You are signaled that you have just received a new message. To read the message, enter the READ/NEW command. 2 DIRECTORY 1.MAIL> DIRECTORY # From Date Subject 1 FORBES 1-JUN-1994 How to Write a Memo 2 STELLA::BERT 2-JUN-1994 Using the Printer 3 FROST::BASTIEN 4-JUN-1994 Chicken Kiev This example shows how to use the DIRECTORY command. When you want to see a list of all the mail messages that are in your current folder, enter the DIRECTORY command and press Return. Mail displays a list similar to the previous example. 2 DELETE 1.MAIL> DELETE 2 This example shows how to remove the second message in a list. When you want to remove a message, use the DELETE command. You can either enter the DELETE command while you are reading the message or you can enter the DELETE command followed by the number of the message you want to remove (as shown here). The number of the mail message can be found on the directory listing. 2.MAIL> DIRECTORY # From Date Subject 1 FORBES 1-JUN-1994 How to Write a Memo 2 (Deleted) 3 FROST::BASTIEN 4-JUN-1994 Chicken Kiev If you enter the DIRECTORY command after you have deleted a message (or messages), you will see the messages marked for deletion, as shown here. When you exit from Mail, the messages marked for deletion are deleted if AUTO_PURGE is set. If you set NOAUTO_PURGE or if you exit from mail by entering the QUIT command, messages marked for deletion remain in the WASTEBASKET folder. 2 MOVE 1.MAIL> 2 MAIL> MOVE _Folder: WINNERS _FILE: %MAIL-I-NEWFOLDER, folder WINNERS created This example demonstrates the MOVE command. The Mail utility allows you to organize messages by moving them into folders. To move a message to a folder, enter the MOVE command (while you are reading the message) and press Return. You are prompted for a folder name. Type any name, for example, REVIEWS or JOKES or STATUS_REPORTS. You are also prompted for a file name. You can specify the default mail file by pressing Return. In this example, the folder name is WINNERS and the default mail file is specified. 2 SELECT 1.MAIL> SELECT WINNERS %MAIL-I-SELECTED, 1 message selected This example demonstrates the SELECT command. Once you have created folders, you can move among them. To move from one folder to another, use the SELECT command. If you want to move to the folder named WINNERS, enter the command SELECT WINNERS as shown here. Mail displays a message indicating the number of messages in the folder. 2.MAIL> SELECT JOKES %MAIL-I-SELECTED, 1 message selected This command line shows how to move to a folder named JOKES. You can enter the DIRECTORY command to see a list of the messages in the folder you just selected. 2 EXTRACT 1.MAIL> EXTRACT _File: GAMES.DAT %MAIL-I-CREATED, DISK:[BERGMAN]GAMES.DAT;1 created MAIL> This example shows how to use the EXTRACT command. To move a mail message from your mail file to a text file that you can access from DCL level, use the EXTRACT command. Enter the EXTRACT command (while you are reading the message) and press Return. Mail prompts you for the name of a file. When you exit from Mail, the file is listed in your current directory unless you specify otherwise. This example shows how to use the EXTRACT command to move a mail message to a file named GAMES.DAT. 2 PRINT 1.MAIL> 4 #4 4-AUG-1994 09:39:20 MAIL From: SPARTA::SMITH To: MARSTON Subj: Rydell's Reasons In reference to the meeting of July 26, I would like to explain Rydell's opinion more fully... MAIL> PRINT This example shows how to use the PRINT command. To make a hard copy of a mail message, enter the PRINT command while you are reading the message and press Return. When you exit from Mail, the message enters the default print queue. This example shows how to print a hard copy of message number 4. 2 HELP 1.MAIL> HELP FOLDERS You have already started using the HELP command. This example shows how to get help on the topic FOLDERS. For more information about each command, you can keep using the HELP facility provided with Mail. 2 EXIT 1.MAIL> EXIT Job 790 entered on queue ATLAS_PRINT When you are ready to leave Mail, enter the EXIT command and press Return. If AUTO_PURGE is set, Mail deletes any messages marked for deletion. In this example, the message that was marked for printing enters the default print queue after you enter the EXIT command.