1 EDIT Invokes an editor and enables you to edit a file before you send it. Unless you have selected a different editor, the TPU-based EVE editor is invoked. Format EDIT [file-spec] 2 Parameter file-spec The name of the file you want to edit. 2 Qualifiers /COMMAND /COMMAND=ini-file-spec When you select EDT as your text editor, the /COMMAND qualifier indicates the name of an EDT startup command file (EDTINI) for ini-file specification. If you do not specify a startup command file for ini-file specification, the default EDTINI.EDT file set up for the DCL command EDIT/EDT takes effect. This qualifier cannot be specified if you are using an editor other than EDT. /CREATE The /CREATE qualifier is used to create a file. Mail prompts you for a file name when you do not specify one on the EDIT command line. /JOURNAL /JOURNAL=jou-file-spec When you select EDT as your text editor, the /JOURNAL qualifier specifies jou-file-spec as the name of a journal file. This qualifier cannot be specified if you are using an editor other than EDT. /OUTPUT /OUTPUT=out-file-spec Specifies out-file-spec as the name of the output file. Use the /OUTPUT qualifier when you want to save the current file as a new file that has a different name. /READ The /READ qualifier indicates that neither a journal file nor an output file will be created. If you do not specify an existing file and you are using the EVE editor, Mail creates a new file. If you do not specify an existing file with the /READ qualifier and you are using the EDT editor, Mail displays "Input file does not exist" and returns you to the MAIL> prompt. When you use the /READ qualifier, enter the QUIT command to end the editing session. If you enter the EXIT command, you are prompted for a file specification. /RECOVER When you select EDT as your text editor, the /RECOVER qualifier indicates that you want to recover a previous editing session that was prematurely terminated. The /RECOVER qualifier will work only if there is an existing .JOU file. This qualifier cannot be specified if you are using an editor other than EDT. 2 Examples 1.MAIL> SET EDITOR EDT MAIL> EDIT/COMMAND=EDTFUN.EDT FILENAME.DAT 1 This is the first line of text in FILENAME.DAT. [EOB] * . . . * EXIT DISK$MEGAWORK:[BURTON]FILENAME.DAT;1 13 lines MAIL> This example shows how to invoke the EDT editor and execute the commands in an EDT startup command file named EDTFUN.EDT to edit an already existing file named FILENAME.DAT before sending it. 2.MAIL> EDIT/READ _File: EXISTS.TXT . . . Buffer MAIN |Insert | Forward Command: QUIT This example shows how to use the /READ qualifier with the EDIT command and how to end the EVE editing session with the QUIT command.