Library /sys$common/syshlp/MAILHELP.HLB  —  PRINT
    Sends a copy of the message you are currently reading to the
    default print queue. The files created by the PRINT command are
    not actually released to the print queue until you exit from
    Mail, so that multiple messages are concatenated into one print
    job (unless you specify the /NOW or /PRINT qualifier). Enter HELP
    PRINT at the DCL prompt for more information and examples.



1  –  Qualifiers

1.1    /AFTER


    Requests that the job not be printed until a specific time of
    day. You can specify either absolute or delta time.

1.2    /ALL

    Indicates that all the currently selected messages be printed.

1.3    /BURST


    Controls whether Mail inserts a burst page before printing a
    message. The /BURST qualifier can take either of two keywords:
    ALL or ONE. The ALL keyword indicates that each file in the job
    is to be preceded by a burst page and flag page. The ONE keyword
    indicates that a burst page applies only to the first copy of the
    first file in the job.

1.4    /CANCEL

    Cancels all messages that have been queued for printing during
    the current session.

1.5    /COPIES


    Indicates the number of copies of the print job to be printed.

1.6    /FEED


    Controls whether the PRINT command automatically inserts form
    feeds when it nears the end of a page. The /FEED qualifier is the

1.7    /FLAG


    Controls whether a flag page is printed preceding a message. The
    /FLAG qualifier can take either of two keywords: ALL or ONE. The
    ALL keyword indicates that each file in the job is preceded by
    a flag page. The ONE keyword indicates that a flag page applies
    only to the first copy of the first file in the job.

1.8    /FORM


    Specifies the name or number of the form that you want for the
    print job. Enter the DCL command SHOW QUEUE/FORM to list the
    available forms.

1.9    /HOLD


    Controls whether the message is available for print immediately.
    The print job is not released for actual printing until you use
    the DCL command SET QUEUE/ENTRY/RELEASE to release it.

1.10    /NAME


    Defines the name string to identify the job.

1.11    /NOTIFY

    Indicates that you are to be notified by a broadcast message when
    the file or files have been printed. The /NONOTIFY qualifier is
    the default.

1.12    /NOW

    Sends all messages that have been queued for printing with the
    PRINT command during this session to the printer. Allows the job
    to print without exiting mail. This qualifier is synonymous with
    the /PRINT qualifier.


       /PARAMETERS=(parameter[, ...])

    Specifies from one to eight optional parameters to be passed to
    the job.

1.14    /PRINT

    The /PRINT qualifier is synonymous with the /NOW qualifier.
    Releases all messages previously queued with the PRINT command
    to the print queue. If you do not specify the /PRINT qualifier,
    messages are not released to the print queue until you exit
    from Mail. PRINT/PRINT does not queue the current message for
    printing. Also note that the only other qualifier you can specify
    with /PRINT is /NOTIFY.

1.15    /QUEUE


    The name of the queue to which the message is to be sent. If
    the /QUEUE qualifier is not specified, the message is sent to
    the default queue specified with the SET QUEUE command or to
    the SYS$PRINT queue. If you enter the PRINT command more than
    once and specify a different queue name, any previously queued
    messages are released to the previously specified print queue.

1.16    /SPACE


    Controls whether output is double-spaced.

1.17    /TRAILER


    Controls whether a trailer page is printed at the end of the
    message. The /TRAILER qualifier can take either of two keywords:
    ALL or ONE. The ALL keyword indicates that each file in the job
    is followed by a trailer page. The ONE keyword indicates that a
    trailer page follows only the last copy of the last file in the

2  –  Examples

    1.MAIL> 5
      MAIL> EXIT
        Job MAIL (queue LMNO_PRINT, entry 333) started on LMNO_PRINT


      This example shows how to add message number 5 to queue

      %MAIL-E-NOMSGPRI, no messages printed
      MAIL> 14
      MAIL> 23
        Job MAIL (queue QUASAR_PRINT, entry 333) started on QUEUE$LPA0

      The first part of this example shows how Mail displays an error
      message when you enter the /PRINT qualifier before you use the
      PRINT command alone. The second part shows how to release mail
      messages (14 and 23) to the print queue by entering the /PRINT

    3.MAIL> 2
      MAIL> 7
      MAIL> 9
        Job MAIL (queue SYS$PRINT, entry 148) started on QUEUE$LPA0
      MAIL> 24
      MAIL> 31
        Job MAIL (queue WRITERS_PRINT, entry 149) started on QUEUE$LPA0
      MAIL> EXIT
        Job MAIL (queue READERS_PRINT, entry 152) started on QUEUE$LPB0

      This example shows how mail messages are released to the print
      queue when you use the /QUEUE qualifier. The system message
      specifying the name of the queue your job is started on is
      printed only if you have changed the name of the queue from the
      previous job.
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