Library /sys$common/syshlp/MAILHELP.HLB  —  MARK
    The MARK command sets a flag in the message header that
    identifies the current message or message-identification number
    as marked. Marked messages have an asterisk (*) in the left
    column of the directory listing. A marked message can serve as
    a reminder of important information. The /ALL qualifier sets all
    currently selected messages as marked.

    The UNMARK command clears the flag in the message header and
    unmarks the current message or message-id number; that is, the
    asterisk is deleted.


      MARK  [/ALL] [message-number]

      UNMARK  [/ALL] [message-number]

1  –  Parameter


    Indicates the number of the message to be marked or unmarked. The
    message number represents the position of a message in a folder.
    If you specify a number greater than the number of messages in
    the folder, Mail marks the last message in the folder.

2  –  Qualifier

2.1    /ALL

    Sets all currently selected messages as marked.

3  –  Examples


        #        From                  Date            Subject

        1        MARS::SMITH           11-DEC-1994     Training Information
        2        JUPITER::COLLINS      22-DEC-1994     Ideas
        3        JUPITER::PETERS       24-DEC-1994     Meeting
      MAIL> MARK 2
      MAIL> DIR

        #        From                  Date            Subject

        1        MARS::SMITH           11-DEC-1994     Training Information
      * 2        JUPITER::COLLINS      22-DEC-1994     Ideas
        3        JUPITER::PETERS       24-DEC-1994     Meeting

      In this example, message 2 in folder MISC is marked with an

    2.MAIL> UNMARK 2
      MAIL> DIR

        #        From                  Date            Subject

        1        MARS::SMITH           11-DEC-1994     Training Information
        2        JUPITER::COLLINS      22-DEC-1994     Ideas
        3        JUPITER::PETERS       24-DEC-1994     Meeting

      In this example, message 2 has been unmarked.
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