Library /sys$common/syshlp/MAILHELP.HLB  —  ANSWER
    Sends a reply to the sender of the message that you are currently
    reading or to the sender of the last message you read. If you
    do not specify the name of a file to be sent as your reply, Mail
    prompts you for the text of your reply.

    You can use the ANSWER command and the REPLY command
    interchangeably because they work the same way. You must be
    reading a message in order to answer it.


      ANSWER  [file-spec]

1  –  Parameter


    Indicates the name of the file to be sent as a reply.

2  –  Qualifiers

2.1    /CC_PROMPT


    Enables the prompt for the CC: line in the mail header. At the
    CC: prompt, enter the names of other users to whom you want to
    send a copy of the mail message.

    The /NOCC_PROMPT qualifier disables the CC: prompt. The /CC_
    PROMPT and /NOCC_PROMPT qualifiers override the SET CC_PROMPT and
    SET NOCC_PROMPT commands.

2.2    /EDIT


    Invokes a text editor to edit the reply you are sending. Unless
    you have entered the SET EDITOR command, the TPU-based EVE
    editor is invoked. When you exit from the editor, Mail sends
    the edited message. To cancel sending the message, enter the
    command to quit. If you enter the DCL command MAIL/EDIT=(REPLY)
    and then decide that you do not want to invoke the editor for
    your response, enter the command ANSWER/NOEDIT.

2.3    /EXTRACT

    Invokes an editor to enable you to edit the current message to
    which you are replying. Unless you have selected a different
    editor, the TPU-based EVE editor is invoked.

2.4    /LAST

    Specifies that the last message you sent will be used as text
    for the reply to the message that you are reading. You can use
    the /LAST qualifier with the /EDIT qualifier to edit the message
    before sending it.



    Specifies a personal name to be used when answering a message.
    A personal name is a field of text that is appended to the end
    of the From: field of mail messages you send. You can fill this
    field with your full name or any other information.

    The /PERSONAL NAME qualifier overrides the default personal name
    specified with the SET PERSONAL_NAME command for this message
    only. The /NOPERSONAL_NAME qualifier sends a message with a null
    personal name field.

2.6    /SELF


    Determines whether Mail sends a copy of the response to you. The
    default qualifier is /NOSELF unless you have used the SET COPY_
    SELF command to specify that copies be sent to you automatically.
    The /NOSELF qualifier overrides the SET COPY_SELF SEND command.



    Specifies a file to be appended to the end of a mail message.
    The signature file contains text and has a default file type of
    .SIG. An example of a signature file is a text file formatted
    as business card, containing the user's company name, address,
    telephone, and Internet address.

    Specify the /SIGNATURE_FILE qualifier when you want to override
    the default established by the SET SIGNATURE_FILE command (if you
    want to send a signature file that is different from that default
    specification). If there is no default setting, specify the
    /SIGNATURE_FILE qualifier to interactively include a signature
    file with a particular mail message.

    To determine if the SET SIGNATURE_FILE command is in effect, use
    the SHOW SIGNATURE_FILE or SHOW ALL command.

    When you use the /SIGNATURE_FILE qualifier, note the following:

    o  When you create a mail message that includes a signature
       file, that message requires more temporary disk space than
       a conventional message because temporary files are created
       during the operation. After the message is sent, those
       temporary files are deleted.

    o  If you do not specify a directory, the Mail utility looks for
       the signature file in your mail directory.

    o  If you do not specify a file, the Mail utility uses the file
       specification in your user profile. If there is no default
       signature file in the profile, Mail will send the message
       without one.

    o  If a specified signature file does not exist, the system
       displays an error message.

    Specify the /NOSIGNATURE_FILE qualifier when you do not want
    to include a signature file with a particular mail message.
    Specifying this qualifier overrides the current setting,
    including any specifications in your user profile.

2.8    /SUBJECT


    Enables you to specify a different subject when replying to a
    message. Use quotation marks (" ") around the subject heading to
    include more than one word, to print in lowercase letters, or to
    include any spaces or nonalphanumeric characters.

3  –  Examples

      To:  AUTUMN::GREGG
      Subj: RE: Nova Scotia

      Enter your message below.  Press Ctrl/Z when complete, or Ctrl/C to quit:

      This example shows how to use the ANSWER command to respond to
      a message sent by a user named GREGG on node AUTUMN.

      Subj:  RE: SIAM
      [End of file]

      Buffer     MAIN                               |Insert  |  Forward

      This example shows how to use the /EDIT qualifier with the
      ANSWER command to respond to a message from a user named
      SWENSON on node ARCTIC. When you use the EVE editor, the [End
      of file] sign moves down the screen as you enter text.
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