Library /sys$common/syshlp/LSE$HELP.HLB  —  SHOW_PACKAGE
  Syntax:  SHOW PACKAGE package_name_wild

  Displays the characteristics of one or more packages.

  If you specify a package name, LSE displays all the attributes
  associated with that package.  If you specify a wildcard package
  name, LSE displays a list with brief information about each matching
  package.  If you specify no package, LSE displays a list of all

  You can navigate through the list using Ctrl/F (forward) and Ctrl/B
  (reverse).  Ctrl/E (expand) lets you display full information about
  the indicated package.  The COLLAPSE command reverts back to the
  brief display.  The E3 key (Remove) deletes the indicated token.


     EXTRACT PACKAGE             SET PACKAGE commands
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