Library /sys$common/syshlp/LSE$CLIHELP.HLB  —  HELP  Qualifiers  /INDICATED

    Causes LSE to display the help text associated with the token,
    placeholder, or routine at the current cursor position. If
    you do not specify or negate the /LANGUAGE qualifier or the
    /PACKAGE qualifier, LSE first looks for a language element. If
    the indicated item is not a language element, then LSE looks for a
    package element.

    The help text comes from the HELP library associated with the
    specified language or package. LSE forms a topic string by
    concatenating the /TOPIC_STRING qualifier associated with the
    language or package followed by the indicated token, placeholder,
    or entry name. LSE then searches for the topic in the HELP

    You cannot use the /INDICATED qualifier with any of the following
    qualifiers: /KEYPAD, /LANGUAGE, /LIBRARY, or /PACKAGE.
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