Library /sys$common/syshlp/LSE$CLIHELP.HLB  —  DEFINE  ADJUSTMENT  Parameters
    Specifies the name of the adjustment being defined.

    Specifes the string that LSE compares against source lines. If no
    pattern is used, the adjustment-name parameter is used.

    Pattern strings match any string that can be specified directly
    on the command line. Strings with special characters must be
    enclosed in quotes (" ").  Whether the string is quoted or not,
    the comparison is case-insensitive. You must use the "$()"
    convention to enclose named pattern elements.

    Definitions with literal strings take precedence over definitions
    with predefined patterns.

    A list of predefined patterns follows:

    o  COLUMN=(first-column[,last-column])-Limits the column in which
       the text may start.

       You can specify either the first column or both the first
       column and the last column. If you specify both the first
       and last columns, you must enclose the column values in
       parentheses. If you do not specify the last column, it takes
       its default from the first column.

    o  IDENTIFIER-Matches a sequence of identifier characters.

    o  LINE_END-Matches the end of a line, optionally preceeded by
       white space.

    o  OPTIONAL_SPACE-Matches any sequence of spaces and tabs.

    o  FORMFEED-Matches a form-feed character.

    o  FORTRAN_COMMENT-Matches only FORTRAN comment lines.

    o  FORTRAN_FUNCTION- Matches the first line of any FORTRAN
       function subprogram. That is defined to be any line that
       matches the following pattern:

             type [*number] FUNCTION


             type :==        BYTE
                         |   LOGICAL
                         |   INTEGER
                         |   REAL
                         |   DOUBLE PRECISION
                         |   COMPLEX
                         |   DOUBLE COMPLEX
                         |   CHARACTER

             NUMBER :==     {DIGIT}...
                         |   (*)

    o  PREFIX-The preceding part of the pattern is a prefix.

    o  NUMBER-Matches any sequence of digits. White space may not
       appear between digits. In the case of a match with both NUMBER
       and IDENTIFIER, NUMBER takes precedence.
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