1 SHOW Displays information about the item specified by the option word. Format SHOW option 2 ADJUSTMENT Displays the characteristics of indicated adjustments. Format SHOW ADJUSTMENT [adjustment-name] 3 Qualifier /LANGUAGE /LANGUAGE=language-name Associates a language with the specified adjustments. If you do not specify a language, LSE displays information about adjustments associated with the correct language. If you specify /LANGUAGE=*, LSE displays information on any adjustment that matches the adjustment name, regardless of the language for which it is defined. 3 Parameter adjustment-name Specifies which adjustments are to be shown. If you omit this parameter, LSE assumes you have specified a wildcard adjustment name. 2 ALIAS Displays information on the specified alias. Format SHOW ALIAS [alias-name] 3 Qualifiers /BRIEF Causes LSE to display (in tabular format) the alias name and equivalent string. If you specify a wildcard expression for the parameter or if LSE assumes one, /BRIEF is the default. /FULL Causes LSE to display the alias name and equivalent string in list format. If you specify an explicit name for the parameter, /FULL is the default. /LANGUAGE /LANGUAGE=language-name Specifies the language associated with the alias. The default is the current language. 3 Parameter alias-name Specifies the name of the alias whose characteristics are to be displayed. If this parameter is omitted, a wildcard alias name is assumed. 2 BUFFER Displays the characteristics of one or more buffers. Format SHOW BUFFER [buffer-name] 3 Qualifiers /ALL_BUFFERS Specifies all buffers to be displayed when a wildcard buffer name is specified or assumed. LSE ignores this qualifier if you specify an explicit buffer name. /BRIEF Causes the current window to display (in tabular format) the name, number of text lines, and information about whether the buffer is modified, compiled, reviewed, or modifiable. If you move the cursor to a line containing a buffer name and press the Select key, LSE performs a GOTO BUFFER command for that buffer. If you move the cursor to a line containing a buffer name and press the Remove key, LSE performs a DELETE BUFFER command for that buffer. In DECwindows mode, you can perform a GOTO BUFFER for a buffer displayed in the list by pressing MB1 twice on the line containing the buffer name. If you specify a wildcard expression, or if LSE assumes one, /BRIEF is the default. /FULL Causes LSE to list all the information available about each indicated buffer, including associated input and output files, language, and all the buffer attributes that you can set, such as margins and text-entry mode. If you specify an explicit buffer, /FULL is the default. /SYSTEM_BUFFERS Specifies that only system buffers be displayed when a wildcard buffer name is specified or assumed. LSE ignores this qualifier if you specify an explicit buffer name. /USER_BUFFERS /USER_BUFFERS (D) Specifies that only user buffers be displayed when a wildcard buffer name is specified or assumed. LSE ignores this qualifier if you specify an explicit buffer name. 3 Parameter buffer-name Specifies the name of the buffer or buffers whose characteristics are to be displayed. If you specify a null buffer name (""), the current buffer is assumed. If this parameter is omitted, a wildcard buffer name is assumed. 2 CMS Displays the current CMS settings, which are the initial settings unless you have changed them using the SET CMS command. Format SHOW CMS 2 COMMAND Displays the characteristics of a user-defined command. Format SHOW COMMAND [command-name] 3 Parameter command-name Specifies the name of the command whose characteristics are to be displayed. If you omit this parameter, LSE displays information on all user-defined commands. 2 DEFAULT_DIRECTORY Displays the current default device and directory. Format SHOW DEFAULT_DIRECTORY 2 DIRECTORY Displays the setting of the SET DIRECTORY command. Format SHOW DIRECTORY 2 KEY Displays the definitions bound to the normal state and GOLD state of any defined key. Format SHOW KEY key-specifier 3 Qualifiers /BRIEF /BRIEF (D) Indicates how much information you want displayed. The /BRIEF qualifier instructs LSE to display only key names and the commands associated with them. /FULL Indicates how much information you want displayed. The /FULL qualifier instructs LSE to display topics, legends, and remarks as well as the key names and commands. 3 Parameter key-specifier Specifies the name of the key whose definitions are to be displayed. You may use a wildcard character on the command line to specify all defined keys or a group of related keys. If you press the Return key before specifying a key, LSE supplies quotation marks to any specifier you type at the prompt; thus, LSE interprets an asterisk specified at the prompt as the asterisk key on the keyboard and not as a wildcard character. To specify key combinations beginning with the PF1 key, use the prefix GOLD/. To specify combinations by using the control key, use the form CTRL/x, where x may be the letters A through Z. 2 KEYWORDS Displays the characteristics of the specified keyword list. Format SHOW KEYWORDS [keyword-list-name] 3 Qualifiers /BRIEF /BRIEF (D) Indicates how much information you want displayed. The /BRIEF qualifier causes LSE to display (in tabular format) the name of the indicated keyword list. /FULL Indicates how much information you want displayed. The /FULL qualifier causes LSE to display all the information available about the indicated keyword list, as specified by the current DEFINE KEYWORDS command (see the list of qualifiers for the DEFINE KEYWORDS command). 3 Parameter keyword-list-name Specifies the keyword list or keyword lists about which information is wanted. By default, LSE displays information about the keyword list associated with the current buffer. 2 LANGUAGE Displays the characteristics of the specified language. Format SHOW LANGUAGE [language-name] 3 Qualifiers /BRIEF Indicates how much information you want displayed. The /BRIEF qualifier causes LSE to display (in tabular format) the name and file type of the indicated language. /FULL /FULL (D) Indicates how much information you want displayed. The /FULL qualifier causes LSE to display all the information available about the indicated language, as specified by the current DEFINE LANGUAGE command (see the list of qualifiers for the DEFINE LANGUAGE command). 3 Parameter language-name Specifies the language or languages about which information is wanted. By default, LSE displays information about the language associated with the current buffer. 2 LIBRARY [SCA Command] Displays the directory specification for all active SCA libraries. Format SHOW LIBRARY 3 Qualifiers /BRIEF /BRIEF (D) Displays only the directory specification for all active libraries. /FULL Displays all information about all active SCA libraries. 2 MARK Displays the setting of the specified mark. Format SHOW MARK [marker-name] 3 Qualifiers /BRIEF Indicates how much information you want displayed. The /BRIEF qualifier causes LSE to display (in tabular format) the name and associated buffer for each marker currently set. If you specify a wildcard expression for the parameter, or if LSE assumes one, /BRIEF is the default. /FULL Indicates how much information you want displayed. The /FULL qualifier causes LSE to list all the information available about each indicated marker, including the associated text. If you specify an explicit marker for the parameter, /FULL is the default. 3 Parameter marker-name Specifies the name of the marker whose characteristics are to be displayed. If you omit this parameter, LSE displays the names of all the markers you have set. 2 MAX_UNDO Shows the maximum number of commands that you can undo for a specific buffer. Format SHOW MAX_UNDO 3 Qualifier /BUFFER /BUFFER=buffer-name Indicates the buffer whose MAX_UNDO limit is to be displayed. The default is the current buffer. 2 MODE Displays the current settings for modes set with the SET MODE command. Format SHOW MODE 2 MODULE [SCA Command] Displays information about SCA library modules. Format SHOW MODULE [module-name[, . . . ]] 3 Qualifiers /ALL Specifies that SCA display both hidden and visible modules. /BRIEF Indicates how much information you want displayed. The /BRIEF qualifier causes SCA to display selected information about each indicated module in tabular format. If you specify a wildcard expression for the parameter, or if SCA assumes one, /BRIEF is the default. /FULL Indicates how much information you want displayed. The /FULL qualifier causes SCA to list all information available about each indicated module. If you specify an explicit name for the parameter, /FULL is the default. /HIDDEN Specifies that SCA display only hidden modules. /LIBRARY /LIBRARY=library-spec /LIBRARY=* (D) Specifies an SCA library containing the module to be displayed. The library must be one of the current SCA libraries established by a SET LIBRARY command. If you do not specify the /LIBRARY qualifier, SCA assumes you have specified all current SCA libraries. /OUTPUT /OUTPUT[=file-spec] Directs command output to a file rather than to the $SHOW buffer. The default output file specification is SCA.LIS. /VISIBLE /VISIBLE (D) Specifies that SCA display only visible modules. 3 Parameter module-name[, . . . ] Specifies the modules to be displayed. If you omit this parameter, SCA displays all modules. You may specify wildcard module names. 2 PACKAGE Displays the characteristics of indicated packages. Format SHOW PACKAGE package-name 3 Qualifiers /BRIEF Indicates how much information you want displayed. The /BRIEF qualifier causes LSE to display (in tabular format) the name of each indicated package. If you specify a wildcard expression for the parameter, or if LSE assumes one, /BRIEF is the default. /FULL Indicates how much information you want displayed. The /FULL qualifier causes LSE to display all the information available about each indicated package, as specified by the current DEFINE PACKAGE command (see the list of qualifiers for the DEFINE PACKAGE command). If you specify an explicit name for the parameter, /FULL is the default. 3 Parameter package-name Specifies the name of the package to be displayed. You may use wildcards. If you omit this parameter, LSE displays the status of all known packages. 2 PARAMETER Displays the characteristics of indicated parameters. Format SHOW PARAMETER [parameter-name] 3 Qualifiers /BRIEF Indicates how much information you want displayed. The /BRIEF qualifier causes LSE to display (in tabular format) the name and package associated with each indicated parameter. If you specify a wildcard expression for the parameter, or if LSE assumes one, /BRIEF is the default. /FULL Indicates how much information you want displayed. The /FULL qualifier causes LSE to display all the information available about each indicated parameter, as specified by the current DEFINE PARAMETER command (see the list of qualifiers for the DEFINE PARAMETER command). If you specify an explicit name for the parameter, /FULL is the default. /LANGUAGE /LANGUAGE=language-name Shows only those parameters associated with the indicated language. If you do not specify a language, LSE uses the current language. If you specify /LANGUAGE=*, LSE displays information on any parameter that matches the parameter name, regardless of the language for which it is defined. The /LANGUAGE qualifier is mutually exclusive with the /PACKAGE qualifier. /PACKAGE /PACKAGE=package-name Specifies the name of the package with which the parameter is associated. The /PACKAGE qualifier is mutually exclusive with the /LANGUAGE qualifier. 3 Parameter parameter-name Specifies which parameters are to be shown. If you omit this name, LSE assumes you have specified a wildcard parameter name. 2 PLACEHOLDER Displays the characteristics of indicated placeholders. Format SHOW PLACEHOLDER [placeholder-name] 3 Qualifiers /BRIEF Indicates how much information you want displayed. The /BRIEF qualifier causes LSE to display (in tabular format) the name and description of each placeholder. If you specify a wildcard expression for the parameter, or if LSE assumes one, /BRIEF is the default. /FULL The /FULL qualifier causes LSE to display all the information available about each indicated placeholder, as specified by the current DEFINE PLACEHOLDER command (see the list of qualifiers for the DEFINE PLACEHOLDER command). If you specify an explicit name for the parameter, /FULL is the default. /LANGUAGE /LANGUAGE=language-name Associates a language with the specified placeholders. If you do not specify a language, LSE associates placeholders with the current language. If you specify /LANGUAGE=*, LSE displays information on any placeholder that matches the placeholder name, regardless of the language for which it is defined. 3 Parameter placeholder-name Specifies which placeholders are to be shown. If you omit this parameter, LSE assumes you have specified a wildcard placeholder name. 2 QUERY [SCA Command] Displays information about one or more current SCA query sessions. Format SHOW QUERY [query-name,...] 3 Qualifiers /BRIEF /BRIEF (D) Indicates how much information you want to be displayed. The /BRIEF qualifier causes SCA to display (in tabular format) the query name, query expression, and description for the indicated query. /FULL Indicates how much information you want to be displayed. The /FULL qualifier causes SCA to display all information about the indicated query. 3 Parameter query-name Specifies the name of the query to be displayed. If you specify a null query name (""), SCA assumes you mean the current query. If you omit this parameter, SCA assumes you have specified an asterisk (*). 2 ROUTINE Displays the characteristics of one or more routines. Format SHOW ROUTINE [routine-name] 3 Qualifiers /BRIEF Indicates how much information you want displayed. The /BRIEF qualifier causes LSE to display (in tabular format) the name and package associated with each routine. If you specify a wildcard expression for the parameter, or if LSE assumes one, /BRIEF is the default. /FULL Indicates how much information you want displayed. The /FULL qualifier causes LSE to display all the information available about each indicated routine, as specified by the current DEFINE ROUTINE command (see the list of qualifiers for the DEFINE ROUTINE command). If you specify an explicit name for the parameter, /FULL is the default. /LANGUAGE /LANGUAGE=language-name Shows routines that are associated with the indicated language. If you do not specify a language, LSE uses the current language. If you specify /LANGUAGE=*, LSE displays information on any routine that matches the routine name, regardless of the language for which it is defined. The /LANGUAGE and /PACKAGE qualifiers are mutually exclusive. /PACKAGE /PACKAGE=package-name Specifies the name of the package with which the routine is associated. The /PACKAGE and /LANGUAGE qualifiers are mutually exclusive. 3 Parameter routine-name Indicates which routines are to be displayed. If you omit this parameter, LSE assumes you have specified a wildcard routine name. 2 SCREEN Displays the current values set with the SET SCREEN command. Format SHOW SCREEN 2 SEARCH Displays the settings of text-search options. Format SHOW SEARCH 2 SOURCE_DIRECTORY Displays the setting of the SET SOURCE_DIRECTORY command. Format SHOW SOURCE_DIRECTORY 2 SUMMARY Shows statistics and other information about LSE. Format SHOW SUMMARY 2 TAG Displays the characteristics of indicated tags. Format SHOW TAG [tag-name] 3 Qualifiers /BRIEF Indicates how much information you want displayed. The /BRIEF qualifier causes LSE to display (in tabular format) the name and description of each tag. If you specify a wildcard expression for the parameter, or if LSE assumes one, /BRIEF is the default. /FULL The /FULL qualifier causes LSE to display all the information available about each indicated tag, as specified by the current DEFINE TAG command (see the list of qualifiers for the DEFINE TAG command). If you specify an explicit name for the parameter, /FULL is the default. /LANGUAGE /LANGUAGE=language-name Associates a language with the specified tags. If you do not specify a language, LSE associates tags with the current language. If you specify /LANGUAGE=*, LSE displays information on any tag that matches the tag name, regardless of the language for which it is defined. 3 Parameter tag-name Specifies which tags are to be shown. If you omit this parameter, LSE assumes you have specified a wildcard tag name. 2 TOKEN Displays the characteristics of one or more tokens. Format SHOW TOKEN [token-name] 3 Qualifiers /BRIEF Indicates how much information you want displayed. The /BRIEF qualifier causes LSE to display (in tabular format) the name and description of each token. If you specify a wildcard expression for the parameter, or if LSE assumes one, /BRIEF is the default. /FULL Indicates how much information you want displayed. The /FULL qualifier causes LSE to display all the information available about each indicated token, as specified by the current DEFINE TOKEN command (see the list of qualifiers for the DEFINE TOKEN command). If you specify an explicit name for the parameter, /FULL is the default. /LANGUAGE /LANGUAGE=language-name Associates a language with the specified tokens. If you do not specify a language, LSE associates tokens with the current language. If you specify /LANGUAGE=*, LSE displays any tokens that match the token name, regardless of the language for which it is defined. 3 Parameter token-name Indicates which tokens are to be displayed. If you omit this parameter, LSE assumes you have specified a wildcard token name. 2 VERSION [SCA Command] Displays the current version of LSE and SCA. Format SHOW VERSION